So sick of boosted toons in BGs

How dare someone go do a thing that will give them gear! How dare Blizz not just give all boosted toons full brutal!

Oh, the humanity!

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You can’t report me for being undergeared qt.


Didn’t you know? His dad owns blizzard and he’s gonna get you banned!!!1!1!1

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Oh noes!

Actually I think I’m going to boost another account just to go play some bgs later. You in?!

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And they’ll most likely be out performing you as you waste everyone else’s time attempting to be the BG Police no one asked for.

Hope you enjoy retail when you go back in a few weeks!


Hold on. Should I believe the guy supporting useless players in the game vs me, somebody with a actual brain… hmmm

Almost like, I’m aware they got banned because they were on my server, I got the blizzard notification “thanks for reporting”.
They haven’t been online.

You act like it’s hard to mass report people.

Non participation.

There was a more detailed blue post saying not contributing to damage / healing or objectives is considered “non-participation” and considered gameplay sabotage.

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I’m in!! Lets do this!

Why would I play retail? Lmao
Check the last time I earned a achievement.
Haven’t touched it in 3years.

Also I doubt anyone in greens is going to outperform anyone.

But you keep thinking that you “special” little cinnamon bun you

lol So you think them saying “Thanks for reporting” means they got banned?

I mean, maybe they blocked you for being rude?

Look around. How many people are agreeing with you here? Read the room… lol


Lets make this easy for all the whiner babies out there…

  1. Blizzard provided a paid level 70 character boost with level 70 gear…
  2. Battlegrounds are available for all players…
  3. Boosted Level 70 Characters are able to queue and play in Battlegrounds…

That sure does sound to me like it is all working as intended…


Considering it’s two questionably intelligent people and myself responding in this thread. I doubt many are reading here.

Want to try to use some logic before you attempt a insult?

And yes, action is performed when you get a notification from blizzard. It’s the thank you for bringing it to their attention notification. Notice how about 90% of your reports don’t give one? They didn’t act upon the others.

Also, you can check to see if they’re online. You can confirm it multitudes of ways.
Atleast attempt to use some form of reasoning if you’re going to contest me on a subject.

Just because they aren’t contributing as much as you, doesn’t mean they’re not participating. Sure, being off questing is one thing, but if they are fighting, dying, etc and TRYING to PVP or do objectives – even if they’re failing – that’s not non participation.

People that report others who are there, trying to pvp, trying to gear, are clowns. I said what I said.


Today I learned that there is a minimum gear requirement to enter BGs. What’s that? There isn’t? Then why are people complaining about people playing the game the way it’s intended? People should worry less about what other people are doing and just play the game.


I’m not trying to insult you. I’m trying to get you to look around.

P.S. If you have to tell others and try to convince them of how smart you are, that’s telling.

I’m not afk tho. Non participation means I’m not doing anything. As long as I’m in combat your report won’t do anything. Try again booboo

Being undergeared doesn’t = not participating.


Joining a BG with 5k HP is literally griefing your team, i dont understand why they dont do some heroics or raids to gear up. Do they enjoy getting one shot and being useless?

Your claiming that undergeared is a reportable offense but we’re the slow ones, ok there bud.

Lemme know when you get handed full pvp gear for hitting max level. Until then. Say nothing


It’s literally not. You don’t get to gatekeep unranked low level random pvp. Sorry not sorry

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