So sick of boosted toons in BGs

Yeah, I know I’m gonna get flamed for this but here goes. Am I the only one who is sick and tired of getting in a BG and half the team are still rocking Collective gear for their boosted 70? Meanwhile, the opposing team, be it Alliance or Horde are all geared in full Brutal (or at least have mostly PvP gear). I’m playing 5 toons right now and every one of them are fully pvp geared out. It’s gotten to the point that I won’t even try WSG cause at least 5 of the ten are sitting there with less than 7k health and in some jacked up spec, as if pvp guides don’t exist or something. I swear this is driving me crazy!!!

OK, I feel better now that I’ve gotten this off my chest…you may commence your flaming attack.


How did you start all pvp geared?


Boosted gear is genuine garbage.
Someone who got leveling gear or did a few dungeons to get geared for pvp is worlds different. You will definitely die within 1-4 hits from your opponent wearing collective/communal gear.

The only solution i can think of would be to make boosted gear stronger.


Queue with a 5 man full pvp group and watch yourself stomp all the BGs a 5 man geared backcap group is all you need in AV


They will still lose to a geared pvp player so it’s irrelevant…boostie gear or pve gear u gotta start somewhere to get ur pvp gear


Yeah its called getting honoured and using the 5/5 pieces so that you are not complete rubbish when you walk into a bg.

I agree with the original poster. Boosties serve one purpose in bg’s, easy targets.


No point in complaining about it any more honestly, the expansion releases in 8 more days.


It was a rant and yes, I do understand the point you’re making. But does half of the team have to be boosts? All the time? There ain’t any boosted toons on the “other” team? Really?
It just really gets frustrating when you can tell you’re gonna lose before the gate ever opens because that warrior you’re checking out only has 7k health or the mage you’re looking at only has 5k health. And it’s not like this happens every now and then but EVERY match.

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The problem isn’t that there are boosts in your BGs, it’s that there are boosts at all.


I agree that the boosted gear is hot garbage, but quest gear isn’t going to be any more valuable when faced against full Brutal Gladiator. It’s a pretty pointless complaint


I’d say rated BG would fix this. But nope…even in retail the rated pro’s slum it in normal pug. then complain about fresh 60’s in their bg’s. Blizzard can’t win here. Nor can new level cap players.

Now I and others have presented the idea, many times…of honor packages.

These people would have never seen my boosty paladin.

they’d see this full brutal rogue. some gems even. as she makes say 2000 honor to buy a say 2000 honor BOA package to send to alts. main farms honor, alts get the honor via this BOA package.

here enters well that is bad rants. You play the char not the account!

Okay…then don’t complain when I play the char that isn’t full brutal.


Quest gear gives basically no resil and is functionally worthless. Having 500 extra HP is still gunna get you instant crit by half the specs in the game.

The only way to get pvp gear is to pvp. I understand it can seem frustrating, but there are plenty of times where both teams have boosted gear.


I naturally 70’d this char and her gear was trash. It was so bad even stage grand marshals was better. I had the honor hold daily honor to pay for it. then I ground up brutal.

and grand marshall was not all that great either tbh lol. But it had stamina and tacked in (crap) resilience.

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you can still get wins with green boost gear lol

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I’d say the ‘issue’ isn’t the boost itself but the easily accessible, heavily discounted PvP gear which drives people to participate purely for the Honour points.

Even non-boosted toons with quest greens can’t realistically stand toe-to-toe against full Brutal decked PvP’ers.

which for av are every where. I barely get by with 2 piece bonus turned on and brutal weapon. and that was me getting the honor for that AV leveling the dk since level 66 really.

one of my funnier deaths was 2 enemy dk grips and a beat down at each one.

DK1 pulled, group beat down to 50%…DK2 pulled and finished me. Sharing is caring applies to beat downs I guess, lol.


Really don’t see a problem, there are tons of boosts on both sides, and boosts being in game is a positive signal about game health, tho it doesn’t say for sure that they will stay playing either…

IMO, Wrath needs to do do 3 things for PvP gear.

  1. Make the blue pvp set purchased for Gold, and buff its item level to 200
  2. Make the first Tier epic set cost honor points and remove the rating, and buff its item level to 213.
  3. Elite set stays item level 213, but retains rating requirements and arena points cost. Also retains its vastly superior looks.

Simply repeat this pattern every season, profit!

What this will do is kill off gear gap problems, make arena more appealing and makes BG’s more used by mid tier players and gives the gear chasers something to do.


Well boostie boys are good for this game

  1. They are happy because they boosted to 70 and now doing bgs to collect gear during prepatch

  2. The enemy is happy because they get to dunk on baddies in bad gear

  3. Only person that is not happy is OP, because he is on the boostie team side LOL


More often than not…its about equal here.

I can say for AV its not been boosty reason for quite a few losses. I’ve been on towers 3/4 boosties not even back capped to lose them.

Horde zerged better. how that went. Hell some losses was the case of noob hill struck again. Suicide rogue/druid reset timer with 20 people who have to sit on a hill. If one must sit…sit in east and west. At least be useful in that regard lol.

But but we lose 5 seconds!

Umm, rogue suicide flips a tower now we lost by way more than 5 seconds.


Why does it matter? Gear or not they’re all going to sit on top of Noob Hill anyways and then shout at the team to “get it together” and then we’ll lose AV with 3 bunkers still up.