Do you raid in greens? No, you wouldn’t. Not unless it’s GDKP or guild carry.
You don’t queue WSG asking pugs to carry you. Etiquette.
Why do you think LFD and LFR eventually got an ilevel requirement?
People wanting to just skip progression and queue up in nothing regardless of how it is a detriment to their group.
Ok to be fair to the other guy you’re arguing with, I think if you’re a fresh boost you shouldn’t even bother with blue gear and just grab the Brutal from AV.
Since there’s like 40 people you can just blend in and be somewhat useful by getting caps or whatever and most people end up AFKing it for a day and getting fully decked out.
That would probably be a lot better than wasting gold on blues or AH gear.
that doesn’t even guarantee stamina for the punchline.
and the “cheap” gear is usually for the casters. Int gear I have seen cheaper in a few AH’s. its got stamina, yay! and its int not str or agl…boo!
and its not like the gear is a plenty in questing for a 70. any…70.
I have this char, a boostadin 70 and the 70 dk who hit final 70 questing for gold. I was not prepared!..for how bad that gear is if I needed it. its good for selling for gold and that is about it. when you see it.
What’s funny is that these topics only show up during prepatch.
Almost as if the people most annoyed by it are people using BGs purely as a catchup mechanic for alts before they go live in dungeons and raids for the next year and change.
I like how half of these posts are just being contrarians. If you are a boosted little garbonzo you sit in AV. Can you imagine taking a spot in a 10 man team in WSG? You literally can’t defend a node in AB either. Honestly a boosted toon no matter the time line or a fresh toon for that matter should do EoTS or AV that’s it. (Honestly you do the time like everyone else and sit in AV to at least get some gear before deciding to go in a BG with a smaller pop pool that leads to a bigger impact of the game.)