I opted to get the stock Gladiators gear on one of my toons due to limited playtime. Even the difference between a full set of old epics against Brutal is staggering, considering I have about half the resilience and stam as them.
Boosted gear is about as good as heroic gear actually, i really struggled to find good gear to replace it outside of raids and pvp. Now I’m fully pvp geared so I don’t really see the issue here?
I dont think they are worse than the army of lv 61-69 DKs lamo
I leveled my dk from 61 to 69 on the AV weekend, got honor cap that way :3
This rogue since the week off 2 weeks ago I brutal’d since I had the extra time.
My paladin I compromised and went a partial merciless path last week. Time to play like you is why.
this week is a basic pass of some brutal for the dk.
I tbh see me taking time to gold quest as priority over AV. Artisan flying gold ain’t being made in pvp lol.
That will be the 3 partial daily runs ( 3 70’s now) as primary and whatever time left over DK gets for brutal runs. short term is DK’s +35 strenght really. 4 pieces and I got 2. May not be uber for wrath…but the gear comes in quests there so that is fine.
It’s wild to think that at one point you went into a bg with 0 resil gear, not on one, but on 5 different toons AND you have the balls to complain about that exact thing in others
Edit: oops. Wrong game.
The really funny thing here is some are expecting serious pvp at this point.
at one point I was using my bg anywhere and knee deep in gold amking questing. SO I was going into BGs with the honor to get a brutal piece. But wasn’t slated to head back to SW anytime soon lol. its not I did’t care about my pvp gear. I cared more about hammering out an extra bit of gold at the time more.
Its last week(s). most are honor farming. Retail is like this too. Serious pvp at the start. Honor farm chill mode at the end.
I jsut hope for fun loses if that happens. Show me something funny.
Like armies of DK’s who do stupid grips. LMAO moments there for days. One match our decked out warrior kept on getting gripped in to wipe out people in their aoe.
retail dk’s learned long ago…you don’t grip warriors for this reason. Retail I have warriors way on the bottom of my dk grip list.
If old boy/girl has leap/rush on cd you leave em be. they ahve to walk over. that takes time. If not on cd…well that warrior is gonna come to you. Why burn your grip for a target who will delivery themselves like a damned pizza really.
I can definitely understand being frustrated when you’ve spent time improving your character and you’ve worked towards getting better gear to be successful and then your entire team is just a bunch of boosted characters who don’t have decent enough gear to contribute.
I would be frustrated as well but they also have a right to play if they want you know?
You could just look at it as a challenge to see how you can still be successful even with a less than subpar team. Look at it as a chance to improve your skills and maybe less of an opportunity to be upset.
Not surprising PvP is seeing this since you know, the pvp gear being available and is basically welfare gear. If you have this much a problem with it, like the anti rdf people say, make a group.
OP has a valid point, boosties shouldn’t be joining smaller bgs like WSG where each one is 10% of the team and it makes carrying them that much more difficult. Literally handicaps the team and guarantees a loss if there are enough of em.
They should just stick to AV until they have some gear.
People that don’t put in the work and effort to be geared for BGs ruin the game. I’d rather 20 minute queues not to have to deal with boosters. At this point in the expansion their is zero reason not be fully in Brutal Gear other than wanting to freeload off your teammates.
Idk why boosted payers hate hearing this, AV is 90% AFK anyways. Fastest way to get Brutal.
Jesus Christ you all are pathetic. “Omg I’m losing bg’s because of boost like omg”. Who cares, you shouldn’t, you already have the gear so Who cares. Or you know, just play better
Fresh boosties should honeatly stick to AV where their 5k hp and 350dps wont really matter.
I stopped queueing all other BGs despite the fact that most of my toons are full brutal because of the highly likely scenario of being paired up with 5k hp ret paladins
Actually no, I BG on my alts that are still gearing.
Except they’re not at 5k health when I queue in.
Getting farmed and spending all bg in the graveyard would not be fun to me, I don’t get why people are okay with it. Literally just feeding the other team honor and earning little, dead don’t get HK honor.
Boosted players pay their $15 a month they have every right to join any BG they please.
What i’m noticing is that Boosted players just latch onto whatever the BG bonus is only to be called out and they end up getting toxic and say stuff like this:
In the end this frustrates people who have gear and are trying to carry and overall just makes a very toxic BG experience.
It makes sense why people hate boosted players when they have a reputation for doing stuff like that.
Then that’s on you, my dude. No one is making you pvp but yourself.
If this was the case, almost everyone playing wow classic should be banned.
At one point thousands were banned in AV, most of them being boosted DKs with no gear from people who hated seeing them. A lot of innocent people got caught too, enough for them to unban a lot of them.