So really how many would race change their Blood Elves to High Elves if they became playable on the Alliance

Besides lore what are the differences between High Elves and Blood Elves? Is it just eye color?

As a TLDR, basically High Elves are allied with the Alliance and are untainted by the fel. So like, pure elves.

Also why people weren’t happy with void elves. Just more tainted elves, this time with void.


OH LOL I just reread it. You said besides lore xD
I mean in look, they very similar but people have suggested a lot of different thing than just the eyes. You could make them a little taller, or give them the blue tattoo options like Alleria has. A lot of different things you could do to change them. But when people bring up the argument that they look too similar, I just point to Pandaren haha


if horde story stays on current path, I’d do this. At least for the BE hunter. The BE DH…yeah…that need the gates opened to the DH club. Not seeing that happen any time soon.

Not alliance bias. many angles to both sides story are lacking to me at the moment. Its just alliance sucks less. Still sucks but less so. Unless a turn around…yeah…it be more of the same. Me playing horde ignoring the whole story.

I’d take alliance high elves over that. Even if the intermediary was yet another windrunner sister.

Haha good point about Pandaren! I would try out any new race they added even if I wasn’t a huge fan to begin with. I race changed my Gnome to a Void Elf when they came out so if I liked High Elves enough I could see myself doing it again :slight_smile:

Yeah all my characters are either Void Elves or Blood Elves, I like them :slight_smile: But HE’s would be my fav.

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Nope, would be abandoning Quel’thalas and the Horde if I did that


Elves have become irrelevant to me now that the Zandalari master race has become playable and allowed to be Paladins. I’m race changing my elves to trolls :crazy_face:

So no I would not change my blood elf characters to high elves. They are destined to be trolls!

My dream is that Quel’thalas rejoins the Alliance <3


Already changed all my blood elf to human ,void elf or lightforged draenei

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Quel’thalas only ever owed an allegiance to the Alliance of Lordaeron, the Stormwind-based Alliance is new and never had our loyalty. Don’t worry though, we didn’t abandon anyone, the nation of Lordaeron is still our allies, after all.


A girl can dream :frowning: Hopefully one day though

I play every class, 4 horde, 8 alliance. I would change one NE to HE, but that is probably it. I have 3 NEs now.

I would like to play Helf with Half Personalization, due to the link of the elves with humans it is probable that many elves have human characteristics.

Honestly, hard to say. I’ve got a Pally and a Hunter I could do that with, but it’s been so long since I’ve played them that they feel so far behind that it’s a bit more enticing to just make level 20s and leveling to cap the old fashioned way.

I’d end up with one of each class though, for certain.

I am sure a lot of bloodelf players would switch over if it was possible. But the devs can’t allow that to happen. Seeing that it would cause the faction imbalance to shift. Most likely affect the guilds the devs raid with to. Depending on racials, you would see horde raid guilds crying over it if the racials were strong.
Anything that would cause players to shift from horde to alliance. The devs wouldn’t impliment anything that would cause that. Look at how they ignore fixing racials. Most top raid guilds are horde because of that.


I’m curious about which part of “High Elves have been in WoW on Alliance since classic (before Blood Elves became Horde) and have worked with the Alliance many times including currently in Boralus” doesn’t make sense to you. What part about that already existing back story is “ill fitting”?


To those who have answered the simple Yes or No question I asked I thank you. For those whom have come to troll and derail this thread well that speaks a lot to the type of person you are behind the computer doesn’t it. Anyways I look forward to the results of the poll and any further Yes or No responses to the posed question.

Why would I race change to a High Elf when I’m already one? And on top of that, to a worse and more whiny faction?


One aspect that no one has touched on I don’t think. Who is to say that all the highelves were in Quel thalas when the scourge invaded? Only those at that time seem to be affected and turned into bloodelves. Were as Veresa , Alleria and others remained as highelves. Lets not forget the highelves were still helping the alliance in outland, and other areas. The faction and numbers are there , its just the devs don’t want to do the work. Who ever thought of adding elves to the horde is an idiot.