So People Want The Water Strider To Be Restricted?

Some of us had kinda planned to be here for the next expansion and thinking how this effects us.

Maybe Blizzards idea is to have us simply not come back the next expansion?


People whined and complained and cried “I can’t walk on water because I don’t have that mount…” and effing Blizz gave in. Do the work, put in the time just like every single one of us that did it to get the mount in the first place. It’s not hard. You can’t just have everything just given to you when ever you want something. If that’s the case go play a free to play game like Rift where you can just buy what ever you like and get what ever you want anytime you want it. Quit crying! Boy some people are going to have a major wake up call when Classic drops.


I disagree it’s a good thing. If they are willing to add more equipment that can herb or mine that would be sweet. Out of all my mounts, the one I hate the most is the Sky Golem, it’s too big, loud and as a DK if you use WW you need to dismount, jump and then remount to get out of the water.

Ugh … that would be even worse. I only have 10 alts. I have 350 mounts.

My point was that it’s good for next expansion, you are delusional if you think that’s not the case.

Okay, that’s fine. I don’t care if you want to use equipment to do sky-golem things on other mounts.

but, I don’t want Blizzard removing the Sky golem’s functionality in the process of allowing you to do that. If I want my mount equipment slot to have something else, and I can bust out the Sky-golem for gathering, I should be able to.


Maybe for you it is. As I explained above the changes for me are NOT good for next expansion if they make this change


If the Water Strider loses the innate ability to walk on water, it won’t. It’ll be on par with every other ground-only mount.

I think Blizz is saying that the cost for benefiting from having every ground mount be able to walk on water is that one mount loses the innate ability to do so. I did the rep for Anglers and got the mount myself and I’m okay with that.

Shaman and Death Knights are really the ones who make out like bandits here because we’ll be able to have two ground mount benefits active at the same time.

In what way was what I said not true? All of my alts will pay a fee, whatever it might be, if I want to continue with water walking whereas today I just hop in and rid


I don’t buy it, sorry.


T&E who saw the new mount interface, kept saying the equipment slot was account wide, not character wide. If this is the case, I will never be able to use anything other than the water walking token.

If they then remove the anti-daze consumable I will truly hate the new system.


6 - 1 = 5, 1,2,3,4,5,6 5 is less than 6 so that is how it is less that’s how math works lol.

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Have you seen the forums? Or videos like Bellulars where he says this exact thing?

You are in a bubble if you think this game is anything but falling apart. I have been here for 15 years and never said it before.


I’ve been hearing this charade for 15 years on the forums.

It’s the same as it’s always been.

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Wow. People will cry about anything. If they left the water strider with water walking ability, I would still be “forced” to use the water strider. Because with the strider I could then water walk AND not get dazed or whatever other ability I chose. As it is right now I hate the stupid water strider, because you are not literally forced to use it, but the choice is use the most stupid-looking mount ever (which breaks MY immersion, btw) or not be able to walk on water. I prefer to be able to use the mount I choose, the mount that matches my transmog, or my hunter pet, or whatever. But if I am doing WQs I can either look cool or walk on water, and that’s not much of a choice imo. This is a good change. Now they just need to bring back pet spec changes so I can have the heroism I am required to bring to some groups AND have Hati.

EDIT Also, yes of course the game is dying. Except it’s not. Everquest still has active servers and the people who like it can still play it. It came out 20 years ago and has like a few thousand players. The game is only dead when you can’t or don’t want to play it anymore. And rise of Azshara looks pretty cool. Me and a million or so (I think, maybe more?) people still enjoy the game and pay a sub. The sky is not falling. Saying the game is dying is a waste of breath, that claim has no content.


I’m reserving judgement until I see the entire “system”. If it’s just daze and water walking I am going to be angry. Daze should have been out of the game a dozen years ago, the fact that they have added items and this new mount system proves that they know it too. They are just using a broken mechanic as a carrot on a stick to jerk players around. It needs to go.

Now, if there are other things in this mount system, and there is actually some variety and usefulness… I can forgive the change. Overall it would be a move forward.

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And that sort of thing.

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I can do it too :wink:

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I hope Blizz keep pulling this kind of stunt while we wait until late July, just please dont stop, i honestly want to see what happen LOL.

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Blood DKs specifically are the ultimate winners here. Innate water walking and tank immunity to daze. Slap a parachute saddle on for their equipment and they benefit from all 3.