So People Want The Water Strider To Be Restricted?

You can literally get it in less than a day during Mist Time-Walking.

And if you did it normally, it was 3 weeks of fishing dailies. Let’s not act like you bled and sweated and fought the world to get that mount.

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I’m just going off of the sheer number of times that suggestion has been posted.

Read the threads sir.

You may have that opinion - but based on thread/response counts, you’d be in the minority of strider owners that think that. You’re entitled to think that way, of course, but I don’t see any other posts with that view.

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I do read the threads, but they do not speak for everyone, and if you were losing the ability to have water walking, I’d 100% be on board with you. But since you can still have that mount walk on water, you will just have to put up with other people being able to ride it differently, even if you do not want others to enjoy their striders the way the desire to.

What a concept!! I am actually laughing out loud at the amount of folks that refuse to realize this. the strider has other features that we don’t want to lose either, along with the fact that we’ve already done the work to obtain it.

They don’t have to take away ANYTHING, if they really gave a flip about what we thought about this change. It is SOLELY about taking away something they feel is too convenient. End of story.


They don’t. People don’t want it, and Blizzard has literally shown that they do these things so they can control player agency. You’re delusional.


You forgot one thing. The mount is account wide and all of my characters have been using it since I got it. Now, I will have only one character that can keep the water walking without having to buy it. So for my other 15-20 characters, I have to purchase it? No. They, at least for a while, will just have the basic ground/flying mount.

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Golem will lose the ability if mount equipment ever allows for gathering. because then folks that like that mount will have the option to have it continue to gather or they can choose to have a water walking/parachusting/anti-daze golem.

If you have a toon on SH I’ll give you the gold.

This communities completely awful, and spends the majority of their time whining about anything they can possibly think of.

This complaint is potentially one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen people get upset about.

I swear, the pro mount equipment folks must be Blizzard devs on their alts. No sane player would want this change.


Only 50g. Not like they’re asking you to file your taxes here.

Again, YOU do not want it. How entitled or self centered would a person be to believe that they alone like that mount and that not a single solitary person on Earth does not ride their strider because they like the mount itself?

Ok - well we disagree. It’s not a big deal. But based on the numbers shown here on the forums - you’re about the only one with that view.

Thanks for your input I guess.

In the end I think having all strider owners restricted (like the golem) is better than forcing all strider owners to have to buy back something they already earned and have used for years. Especially when the consequence means that those who have put more time into the game across multiple characters get punished the worse with the way the strider is being treated.

I have the gold to cover that kind of cost - but I know there are others that don’t. I feel sorry for them. But ultimately - I don’t think anyone should have to pay to get back what they have when the alternate option still gives everyone (strider owners and non-owners alike) the option to have water walking on all the other mounts that don’t have built in abilities.

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Hello! Could you please articulate what’s dumb about people wanting to keep what they’ve earned? The water-strider required a lot of reputation work for some people, and the Golem requires a mat that is literally time-gated.

I appreciate your contribution to this thread, but would like to see you articulate a bit more as to why their grievance is dumb.


I don’t know. It sounds like everyone that legitimately earned it is entitled and self-centered apparently?


I desire to have Druid flying, should I get it because I’m not a druid?

Additionally, what you’re saying here is not genuine, because the effect is not the same. It was innate and expansion-proof. Now it’s going to be a token that can have any restrictions Blizzard sees fit to add. It’s literally not the same thing.


I think, as you can see right now, that if anyone voices an opinion different than the echo chamber of negative people, then they get drowned out by the same 5 or so people. Go look at Moonstriken’s posts, I don’t think they eat, sleep, work, or even play WoW. I think they spend all their time on these posts saying the same arguments in an attempt to take away a player’s option to have the water strider parachute or ant daze.

And, then, you have to remember that only a small percentile of WoW players even come to this cesspool hive of scum and villainy known as the forums anyway. All I can say, since logically you cannot get it is that you will still walk on water. They will parachute and anti daze. In fact I am personally going to get that strider now and I am going to take screenshots of me slow falling. It’s not going to change, they won’t take away a player’s options just because some people want to force other’s to ride that mount only one way. It’d be insane.

I think a lot of the negative reaction to a cost of any kind is that people are having to buy back something they already have earned and have. I get it - it’s like it breaks some kind of trust or moral principle or something like that… Sure - based on ToS, Blizzard has the right to do this kind of stuff, but it doesn’t make the breach of trust any easier to swallow.

Add on the fact that objectively - those that are more “loyal and dedicated” that invested more time into various characters get punished the hardest… that alone just rings all kinds of red flags in my mind.

Lastly - I’ve seen concerns about a parallel change [Looted mount drops are reverted to being account-wide, and the ability to use them across characters can purchased to get back to the current state]. This is a very similar kind of change - and I think there would also be a lot of people that would be upset with that kind of change - even if the cost was 50g.

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Things change and if you could not walk on water I would agree with you. But, you will still be able to walk on water and things change. If you pay for a sub, you are supporting and endorsing anything in WoW as far as the dev’s and accountants are concerned.

You should not have to re-buy what you already have worked for.