Where did these supposed reports even start coming from? I have yet to hear a single person in-game actually complain about this…most seem rather appreciative of the information as not everyone has the zones memorized.
I’m guessing it’s another case of the report system being abused by salt. Instead of just ignoring the people using the addon, they feel the need to report them for spam so they get squelched.
Blizzard’s fault.
You no clue what you’re talking about.
I remember having these in MoP on time less Isle. We would look for them and the entire Island would rush over and kill the boss. We even had a timer for that flying Mount that was dropped by Huolon.
We had them in the next expansion as well, and now we have them here. I always thought they were great fun and built a sense of community.
I believe that people are camping the spawn points of the boss and through some kind of selfish need want to keep everyone else in the zone away. to do that they report the player who is announcing the spawn and try to get them flagged for the GM approved silence.
What i do not know is why the GM is approving the silence for the calling of the spawn.
Maybe on your server you had those addons but not on my main’s server. There was no CRZ and no connected servers then either.
And I seriously doubt this is the reason people are getting reported and why the silences are being upheld and it isn’t ‘calling of the spawn’ that is the issue either.
You are right and wrong in that part.
There was no CRZ in MoP Content during the time when MoP was current, but CRZ was introduced in Patch 5.0.4. As for server merging, they started doing that sometime late MoP. (After 5.4 if I remember correctly, maybe wrong )
It’s not spam.
Spam is defined as irrelevant messages sent over the Internet to a large number of users for the purposes of advertising.
Rare announces are most certainly relevant and are not a form of advertising.
It’s spam. These addons should only talk to other people with said addons. I don’t need my chat channel littered with:
XXX mob (100%)
XXX mob dead.
YYY mob (100%)
YYY mob dead.
It can be pretty bad. A few were just wall to wall announcements.
So? Six messages from three different people is somehow spamming.
I’d rather see a rare died than watch people make racist comments in those six messages.
This ^
I think it’s just some dramatic people on websites and we’re not getting the full story. Blizz is silencing them for something more than three messages about a rare.
I already stated that there was no CRZ in current content in MoP - my bad I didn’t state it every time.
you have shimmer though. Imagine being a dk
Can the addons use a custom chat channel? That way only folks with the addon will hear the annoucements?
Just a thought, I don’t even know if its do-able.
- P
I don’t really care personally for addon announcing rares, although I guess on a high pop server I can see the issue of spam. My pet peeve is people announcing rares when they’re at 50% or less health. Just… just don’t bother at that point.
I’ve left general chat due to the spam from these addons. Easier than reporting people and trying to ignore them. There is absolutely no benefit announcing these rares. If you’re not at the rare location when it spawns, you won’t make it there before it dies.
The addons should use a proprietary channel and only show alerts to people using the addons. Similarly to how TRP3 works.
That literally does not happen.
Stop making stuff up for your own agenda.
The add-ons are built in a way that it cannot announce the same rare someone else already announced. The only way this happens is if people are using different addons. Currently there’s only 3 addons that do this, which means AT THE MOST you will have 3 different messages for the same rare.
Not 15, as you so claim.
On top of this, there’s a limit to how many messages a single person can send in chat every minute, at 2. So if I’m using the add-on, and we kill a rare, and I previously sent a message saying, for instance, “The Kleptoboss is up!” “The Kleptoboss died!” then immediately targeted say Jawbreaker, and the addon attempted to send “Jawbreaker is up!” the game would not let me.
Stop trying to spread falsities to try to justify your annoyance with people helping other players. My guess is you simply don’t want to socialize in the game and are annoyed other people are actually doing so.
I’ve been more social with people in general chat and in the zones this past month than I have been since Mists of Pandaria. Because often times, the rare announcements will trigger actual conversations with people, because someone got a mount, toy, pet, etc. drop and they want to talk about it. Or they’ll thank someone for announcing it, thank someone for waiting for people so how, or they want to thank mages for polymorphing a rare to extend how long it was alive, or thank people for taking their time killing it, etc.
Reddit, WoW Facebook, Discord, Addon Comments Section on Curse (one of the addon’s creators deleted all the comments on theirs because they said it was “trying to demotivate the development of the addon with false reports” (despite them linking screenshots and such, as they were just letting the author know), but left the empty comments with said comment, etc.
As you can see in this thread, there are plenty of people who are indeed reporting the people using the addons as spam when they see it in chat. And for some reason, Blizzard is indeed upholding the squelches as silence when it happens.
It’s just a matter of "If you get unlucky and end up in a shard with enough people who think it’s spam and get hit with a squelch."
If you don’t get in a shard with people who think it’s spam? You’re safe to use it. But if you’re unlucky and end up with players like Caraz in the shard? You will get squelched and it’ll be turned into a silence. It’s as simple as that.
I for one won’t risk it, and until Blizzard either tells us it’s safe to use it and they’ve clarified the policy to GMs, I’ll be killing every rare I see by myself, no matter how horrible it feels.
Blizzard has killed the sense of community by caving into the people who think helping people is a bad thing.
Well I have a screen of three people with addons spamming one rare is dead and I have numerous people already on ignore for this.
I am guessing you will claim addons will not spam - xx is dead 5 times either.
No, they won’t. Because it is literally not possible. I just explained that.
Do you not even read? There are not 5 different rare announcing addons.
It does not matter some of these addons are not set up that way, so yes you can have this happen. Does not matter how you ‘think’ this works, I have seen results that say differently.
Here you go - an example with three people using this addon. If there had been 5 people at that rare with that addon you would have had it spam 5 times.
We live in a world where good is evil and evil is good, when the two should have remained separate.
Innocents wanting socializing to improve getting banned, yet gatekeepers/Elitists forcing socialization get not a scotch.