So People are getting silenced for using Rare Share Addons

Why should they be forced to leave chat to counter what they consider as spam? The problem is the addon, it shouldn’t be using general chat for annoucements.


I consider Barrens Chat-esque chat spam. Should I report it? Cause that’s literally the only other chat that happens in General, and the only other chat people like you in this thread are saying should happen in it.


That is up to you but saying that they should leave chat because of an addon is beyond stupid…


I also gave an alternative. Ignore the person using the addon. The ignore list exists for a reason.


And so does not spamming general chat all the time? Look I don’t agree that Blizzard should be silencing anyone, they should just tell them to disable the addon but people shouldn’t have to make change their playstyle to deal with what is clearly considering “spam”.

Honestly, the addon should have never used general chat like that to begin with.

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So we’re back to square one.

Terrible addon.

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its spam in chat.


I don’t want to ignore the person, I want to be able to ignore the addon.

good. for the people who don’t have flying yet the rare share spam is really dumb and it makes it much harder for us to kill rares.

they need silenced!

if the problem is spam in public channels, being reported by people who do not want to use the addon and have no interest in the spam, then the issue is 100% on the users of the addon and the people who maintain the addon project. it’s perfectly doable to make custom chat channels, therefore they can make custom zone and even global private channels that the addon parses. this way, they can make it so that everyone who has the addon gets the alert, and everyone who doesn’t have the addon does not see the spam in chat

So, I posted in the thread something linked, and I’ll crosspost here:

I’d actually love for anyone to point out where in the Terms of Use using this add-on is violating it.

Cause you can’t. It doesn’t.

I’ll even provide handy links to the code of conduct AND the end user licensing agreement (also known as the terms of use)

In fact, the only explicit rules they have about what can’t be done in a chat channel are:

Anything NSFW
Anything that Promotes Cheating
Anything Hateful, Malicious, or Disrespectful

Unlike most of the people here, I’ve actually read the entire Terms of Use, I don’t just spout, “It’s against the Terms of Use!” I actually know what is or isn’t against it.

The funny thing is, spamming isn’t even mentioned anywhere in the Terms of Use. Blizzard themselves have even mentioned many times before that the Report for > Spam button is only meant for people advertising, and should not be abused and used for people using for legitimate means.

So, again. Feel free to point out where exactly these add-ons violate the Terms of Use?

Whereas if you’ve ever used that handy “Report > Spam” button on someone using said add-on, you’ve done something Blizzard’s asked you not to do, which means you’re the one who did something bad here.

Today, I spent 9 hours in game. General Chat was dead. People are so afraid of being silenced (or they were silenced) that no one talked. I watched rares get killed alone. The only time people talked was when a supply crate dropped in War Mode, and even then, people were actually afraid to post coordinates. Not even joking. People used vague comments like “Middle of the Map” or “Near X Flight Path.”

I watched Soundless get killed by 2 people. Whereas before, it was literally being killed by 40+ people, mages helping others by Polymorphing it to extend its left.

This change has killed the social aspect of Nazjatar and Mechagon. Blizzard NEEDS to address it. If this was a mistake by some GMs, Blizzard needs to come forward and tell us that. If this is a change they are making and we need to stop using the add-on, they need to tell us so some of us can leave the game because the way it is, Mechagon and Nazjatar are no longer fun.

I don’t play this game to play a solo game, which is what they’ve now created by doing this. They literally killed the community with one simple change.


Unless you have been walking on 2 legs, it isn’t hard to get to the rarespawns in time to tap them. And this is coming from someone who doesn’t have flying yet.

I literally got across the zone from New Home over to where Oronu spawns to kill Rockweed Shambler on my Horde while I was a bounty (AKA you can’t fly, and Alliance were chasing me) because it got announced in General Chat. (Which annoys me, I’ve now killed it twice on my Horde and it’s the last rare I need for the achievement on this toon :/)

That’s almost the entire zone. Yet people act like it’s some impossible feat to get to a rare someone announces if it’s even 1/4 - 1/2 of the zone away.

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There was a time actually I was stuck in combat in Mechagon, and had to get to a rarespawn half way across the zone. Still got there in time luckly to just tag it.

I have no problems with players announcing rares spawn in chat. But I do take exception to an add-on doing it automatically. Especially when they’re incorrectly configured and announce rare spawns that are in different zones than the current one. Those add-ons should merely alert the player using them, and then the player can type it out in chat if they desire.

Rule of thumb. If your actions result in penalties being incurred, you should probably reconsider your choices made.

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Since when though using an Addon to communicate with the people in the zone to let them know of a rarespawn and location results in a penalty? I mean, people do have the option to /leave General. So why is using something to help communicate a bad thing?


What difference would using a macro that’s /1 %t is up! and an addon that auto announces it when you target it and gives coordinates to help players that don’t know where it is find it do, other than make it harder on other players that don’t use handynotes or are new to the zone and don’t know where rares are?

The penalties are only being incurred because some people are being way too sensitive and reporting people for spamming when they aren’t spamming, they’re being nice and hepful to other people.


It’s not. But as it stands now with players being loaded into those 2 zones, those automated add-ons are spamming general chat. Spamming is frowned upon. So why are those players getting squelched/silenced? Using add-ons that spam.




noun: spam ; noun: Spam

irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the Internet to a large number of recipients.

I’m almost positive that the fact a rare spawn is up, where it is, and when it dies is both neither irrelevant nor inappropriate.

So explain to me exactly how it’s spamming.


The penalties are being incurred because the system doesn’t differentiate between what a player types and what an add-on inserts.