So.... pelagos {spoilers}

note, here be spoilers

so, pelagos tunes into the new arbiter. i called this out ages ago and 100% set it when zm came out with the whole “hay look, this random npc you have talked to a few times is now hanging out with you outside there zone alot… not like there going to be important to the story later on… hint hint” that the writers were doing

really blizz. you could of hidden it a bit better. you shove him in our face way to hard and way to much. but hay, thats the story writing in wow for you. been getting worse every expansion


Could’ve or could have


yeah… and don’t forget (if blizzard don’t cut this part) that’s Primus it was coldly calculated that Zooval was never a puppet, just a rabid dog let off the leash.

  • The golden one claims a vacant throne. The crown of light will bring only darkness.

  • The vassal of life disguises treachery. Beware the eyes of green.

That is why it is easy to put stupid people in power as in real life with some presidents of some states to be manipulated like PUPPETS against their own will.


Spoilers…. I heard there’s a picture of him wearing the helmet of wills that was leaked.

This means that the Primus gave him the helmet and we’re still not sure what it does exactly? Seems kind of scary imo to have a relic that powerful in the hands of anybody really. Why did we even make it


Maybe the primus will use it to dominate the new arbiter?

It’s pretty reasonable he could enchant it with domination magic


Could of is acceptable. Look it up.

I kind of got a very ominous vibe when I saw the picture of Pelagos wearing the crown. It just didn’t sit well with me

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and that is missing to help Mue’Zhalla in fleeing from Bwosandi for another purpose.

  • Before the last shadow falls, the father of sleep shall savor his feast

I still don’t know if they said that Zooval was going to be the last boss of this expansion or not.

But maybe with the arrival of Season 4 of this expansion, it won’t just end there, so we have an mini raid-style Archavon , Trial of the Valor or Crucible of the Storm with a few bosses between 5 to 2 to say where we don’t know if it will be Mue’Zhalla or other bosses that is not the Primus because maybe he will continue with another plan for next expansions.

Drawing a blank

Eyes of green could be the Primus but he isn’t a vassal of life is he?

It all depends if it doesn’t make a cut and meaningful content, as to give more meaning to hating the company and this expansion due to stupid decisions.

It would be to ignore the first part, but probably the Vassal of Life is someone who discovers the final at the last moment.

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  • Before the last shadow falls, the father of sleep shall savor his feast

For some reason that i can not back up or argument, this line give me big Yogg’saron vibes

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I might have talked to him more because I did Kyrian, but I still feel in general there was a lot more talking to pelagos. And honestly he has been a really fitting character for the role. even if he has hair as it.



FF 14 writing is so much better. They’ve had plot twists I didn’t see coming and way better emotional scenes, ext.


Uther would’ve been a better choice, he know the consequences of both action and in action, justice and vengeance, he is the better Arbiter / judge for the shadowlands.


I, I can agree with this. It actually would have been nice that a character we had known and connected to before this expansion rose in power.

literally anyone wouldve been a better choice lol

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Not really Spoilers when this has been posted already.

You and everyone else bud, you’re not special

Sooooooo does this mean my Soulbind is the Arbiter?


Those don’t refer to Primus at all. Eyes of green? Many beings have eyes of green. Demons and demon hunters have eyes of green for example.

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