So over 2 days later Mage Tower is still not tuned? (you win, I quit)

Final boss still has the same health, still spamming mobs so I can’t even focus him beyond cleave and ice lance procs.

It’s a two week event. You literally admitted it was overtuned and yet you’re going to wait for Tuesday maintenance, aren’t you?

I quit pretty much after clearing CN, I came back to see if 9.1.5(pugged heroic) Sylvanas / mage tower could rekindle my love for this game but you failed. I won’t be back in 9.2 and I doubt I’ll even be back in 10.0 after how you did Mage Tower (and no, it’s not the only reason I’m going from being the “only subs for fresh content” to just quitting. It’s just the straw that broke the camel’s back).

Darn shame.


If you’re waiting around for blanket nerfs I think you might end up very disappointed.

I don’t think their aim was to make the encounters easier for all, but just to target specific spec encounters that had unintended difficulty.


They are going overtime with fixing all all the items that people have found to get through it though! Love how they have plenty of time for that, but no time to actually fix the content itself. So people that used overtuned items already, GG but everyone else, get rekt.


Have a good one! :heart: Sorry the game failed you. It’s been failing a lot of us tbh. I’m still holding onto hope.


They aren’t even going to do that.

I thought Frost Mage was one of the well-balanced challenges?

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you would have quit anyway with that attitude, like you did prior to 9.1.5.

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Well of course this content has to last us… wouldn’t want players to enjoy themselves :upside_down_face:


There’s literally a blue post stating their exact intention.


It takes a little time to figure out what kind of nerfs to do and implement them while still retaining the challenge. They said only certain fights were overtuned. And the MT is supposed to be a difficult thing anyways, so don’t expect even yours to become blast through easy.

By the sound of it you probably weren’t long left for WoW either way :sweat_smile: Au revoir!


Yeah, has to last us a whole 2 weeks until it goes away for 5 months lol


No there is a blue post stating vaguely they are looking at things nothing about changing anything.

You should probably reread it. It explicitly said they have identified outliers with unintended difficulty and they plan on tuning them.


They will not change anything until after this first two weeks. They will “evaluate” data throughout then possibly make changes for May.

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Good luck on your journey

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Hey at least be glad they didn’t actively go and make your MT challenge harder like they just did with guardian druid lul

Meanwhile, they noticed the Crusader enchant and some health proc on kill trinket was giving players more health replenishment than they wanted and fixed it within 8 hours of discovering it…

This what Soon™ has become.

It’s not. Feltotem is pretty much the only well-balanced challenge. Twins may be easier for locks and MM hunters, but not Frost mages.


Do it as fire, it’s far easier.

I played for the entirety of Legion. It’s almost like if they provide solid content and effort, I’d stay. And yeah Legion wasn’t perfect, I’m not asking for perfection, but BFA and SL wasn’t fun and Mage Tower flopped, so yeah, guess ya got me!

It’s my(and the millions who have also quit) bad attitude(s), not Blizzard.