So... Orc tattoos

the quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis

If you look at the customization options they’re overall symmetrical tribal patterns with what seems to be an option to make them asymmetrical.


Forsake your lazy faction and come join the real team.

Whats the point of awesome tattoos when you got the body of a barrel.

Just brought my shaman back to Horde from Alliance. Can’t dig Alliance shaman.

Whatever you say, Yankee Doodle Dandy

Or however long it took them to build bridges in redridge

Hey, at least you got tattoos.

I’m still waiting for my Cutie Mark.

What the hell is a cutie mark?

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I’d like to see the tattoos and paints separated into face and body, so I can have body tattoos without the silly face tattoos.

You’re going to hate yourself for asking, but here you go:

Yeah, when you put warpaint and tattoos at the same time it looks a bit ridiculous.

I won’t click on that hellish link but I’m assuming is the a** stamp on the ponies? Is it the equivalent of a lower back tattoo on a woman? Cos those don’t have a very good reputation.


Lapdogs! All of you…

I see symmetry in the tattoos, it just gets a little wild when you use the war paint and the body tattoos together.

Cutie mark aside, 100% this. You know Goblins wouldn’t be shy with tats, but we just get some boring additions to what we already have. On the SL ptr, I hardly changed Bipzi because there wasn’t really anything new that stood out.

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What? NO.

You’ll have to watch the vid to understand it. It’s not like a lower back tattoo at all.

Of all the races I wish had gotten a new body option choice, fatter goblins would have been incredible.

I’ve always been a Gallywix fan. His third chin is so wobbly! And it fits his character perfectly.

If they make fun of you, just ask them if they want another Horse.

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The most direct and concise tattoo that I’ve ever seen was script that simply read, “LOOK AT ME!” :laughing:

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Hey you got a hook for a nose.

Sorry, you know what they say about assuming.

And you think one hook nose is equivalent of tats, something entirely new to orcs?

I want a Horde symbol tattooed in red on my chest.

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