So... Orc tattoos

You’re going to hate yourself for asking, but here you go:

Yeah, when you put warpaint and tattoos at the same time it looks a bit ridiculous.

I won’t click on that hellish link but I’m assuming is the a** stamp on the ponies? Is it the equivalent of a lower back tattoo on a woman? Cos those don’t have a very good reputation.


Lapdogs! All of you…

I see symmetry in the tattoos, it just gets a little wild when you use the war paint and the body tattoos together.

Cutie mark aside, 100% this. You know Goblins wouldn’t be shy with tats, but we just get some boring additions to what we already have. On the SL ptr, I hardly changed Bipzi because there wasn’t really anything new that stood out.

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What? NO.

You’ll have to watch the vid to understand it. It’s not like a lower back tattoo at all.

Of all the races I wish had gotten a new body option choice, fatter goblins would have been incredible.

I’ve always been a Gallywix fan. His third chin is so wobbly! And it fits his character perfectly.

If they make fun of you, just ask them if they want another Horse.

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The most direct and concise tattoo that I’ve ever seen was script that simply read, “LOOK AT ME!” :laughing:

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Hey you got a hook for a nose.

Sorry, you know what they say about assuming.

And you think one hook nose is equivalent of tats, something entirely new to orcs?

I want a Horde symbol tattooed in red on my chest.

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