So... Orc tattoos

Is bad enough the Alliance makes fun of our architectural skills, now they can also make fun of our doodle tattoos. No pattern or symmetry, you could say is tribal, but even so its got no meaning or symbolism.

Also the war paint could be changed for blood, like the berserkers in Lord of the Rings, that would be neat.

It’s easy for alliance to make fun of others’ architectural skills, when all they’re good for is hiring the Defias, then never paying them for building cities. :slight_smile:

But really, I don’t think the war paint is supposed to have any sort of symbolism or tie-ins with any orc clans. Just there to look cool, which I’m all in favor for.


Just not a big fan of the “Look at me, I’m a tiger” sort of tattoos. Yes war paint is fine as it is, adding a blood drenched look would be awesome though.

Seems fitting for a low intellect orc.

sorry that was a little too mean.

Listen, those filthy vagrants didn’t deserve the money, they’re a threat to the kingdom and I gladly took my 0 copper and 200 reputation with Stormwind to kill Vancleef.

Not sure what you are on about here chief, the Stonemasons didn’t built Stormwind, they rebuilt it better than it was based on it’s old design.

True. But doodle tattoos still better than golden body chains.

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I dunno, I like the orc tattoos a lot. I’ll be rolling a regular orc for the first time because of the customizations coming up.

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It’s better than nothing, but it could’ve been so much better.

But there is pattern and symmetry. If you dont like them then just say that but there’s no need to make stuff up when everyone can see them.

Those aren’t tattoos. Those are open wounds now scars. And orcs cuaterize them with boiling tar

I think my definition of symmetry is far different from yours my friend.

Oh cmon now, if that’s the case it seems a bit silly, I would say that’s not it judging by the size and placement of them. But I could be wrong.

the quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis

If you look at the customization options they’re overall symmetrical tribal patterns with what seems to be an option to make them asymmetrical.


Forsake your lazy faction and come join the real team.

Whats the point of awesome tattoos when you got the body of a barrel.

Just brought my shaman back to Horde from Alliance. Can’t dig Alliance shaman.

Whatever you say, Yankee Doodle Dandy

Or however long it took them to build bridges in redridge

Hey, at least you got tattoos.

I’m still waiting for my Cutie Mark.

What the hell is a cutie mark?

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I’d like to see the tattoos and paints separated into face and body, so I can have body tattoos without the silly face tattoos.