So on the topic of "somechanges"

…can Druid get a regular rez spell? Makes no sense that every other healer has one but Druid doesn’t.


Can my priest get an in-combat rez while we are asking for things that we don’t have?


I’m not “asking for things we don’t have”, I’m asking for Druid to have the same basic rez spell that all the other healers have.

Reading comprehension.

I agreed with the change in wrath… but this TBC.

Sorry :-/

I’d like the wrath version of ardent defender as well, but this is TBC


Irony. And funny when you reread these quotes in order.


This is TBC Classic, not TBC.

Blizz is giving both factions’ Paladins the other faction’s seal spell. Letting Druid have a regular rez is pretty much on the same level as that: A minor QoL fix.

Insulting me is not an argument, sweetie :slight_smile:

If you cannot see the difference between “give everyone the same basic tool” and “give me thing I don’t have”, then I can’t help you.

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I agree with you, I just don’t think it will happen.

The paladin seal is different. It is a faction balance issue that most private servers implement because it’s good for faction balance.

And giving Druids a regular rez fixes the class balance issue of people not inviting Druid healers to 5mans because “you have no rez”. I had to deal with this all throughout Vanilla, people outright stating that they don’t want me because I don’t have a rez, even though I outgeared the content.

It’s not like this is some massive meta-changing thing, it’s literally just giving Druid a basic out-of-combat tool that every other healer has. It’s not Vanilla anymore, “hybrids” are not a thing, it makes no sense for Druid to be gimped this way.

Yeah, that change would be on the other side of the line and should be a ‘no’.

A good ‘somechanges’ request would be something like: Rated Battlegrounds. There are no downsides to it, and offers more game modes for players to enjoy.

Then the people you’re grouping with are silly. I mean you could argue that Paladins and Shamans are far more desirable because of buffs… let alone rez. Should druids get better party buffs as well?

This won’t be nearly the issue in tbc as it is in classic. Druids get a lot of love, and are excellent 5-man healers. You also have more rezzers in general (pallies are great tanks now, dps shaman & pallies & priests are more prevalent).

Druids get so much love in TBC, they’ll be fine. Leave wrath in wrath.

No, I just want a regular rez spell.

It’s not about “desirability”, it’s about every healer having a basic rez spell.

Would you give up battle rez for this OOC Rez? No battle rez would change druids utility quite a bit.

You shouldnt get both. Unless your giving the other healing classes something to compensate. But now were talking about major changes all the sudden.


“You have to give up your unique trait to have something every other healer has”


Paladin didn’t have to give up its unique traits to get a taunt. Bear didn’t have to give up its unique traits to get crit immunity. Warlock didn’t have to give up its special traits to get a threat-reduction spell. Priest didn’t have to give up its special traits to get a (good) AoE heal. Why does Resto druid have to give up battle rez to get regular rez?

And again, this is all a minor QoL change, allowing druids to have an out-of-combat rez like the other healers have. It’s not some major meta-changing thing.

Druids get everything that all classes can get and do…except out of combat rez.



Then, in the same sentence immediately asks for something Druids did not have in TBC.

is something you may want to look into.


So should warrior be the only tank with a taunt? Should Priest be the only class with an AoE heal? Should Mage be the only class with a CC spell?

You’re intentionally taking my words out of context and twisting them around to things I never said.

Being able to resurrect other players is something that ALL healers are supposed to do. It’s not some special superpower, it’s a baseline tool that all healers have, just like how all the tanks have a Taunt spell.

All the tanks can taunt. All the healers should be able to out-of-combat rez.

Context is important in reading comprehension. Being able to understand the rest of the words around a sentence in order to read the deeper meaning.

I’m not “asking for things we don’t have” in a sense of “just give me something I don’t have”.

I’m “asking for things we don’t have” in a sense of “the other 3 healers have this basic tool, Druid should have it too”.

But go off about how I’m wrong and bad and dumb :slight_smile: Another troll for the ignore list.

Shouldn’t that be exactly alike?

TBC Classic is not the same as 2007-2009 TBC, no.

Why? Wouldn’t you assume it would be the same?

Because it’s not the same.

-It uses the modern client, not the 2007 client
-It starts from patch 2.4.3, not patch 2.0.1
-Content is being released on a different schedule
-Certain content (like dailies) is available right from the start, as opposed to at Patch 2.1
-Various changes are being made like giving the faction-specific Paladin seals to both factions
-“Pre-nerf” bosses and such
-etc. etc.

TBC Classic =/= TBC

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