So on the topic of "somechanges"

No. And I want garrisons.

Well… there is a #nochanges push and more propaganda from blizzard to incorporate paid services. So, this is the world we live in now… player doesn’t get what they want… you get what the chairman board wants on short term investments… it’s mainly all to make the arena crowd happy so

Dual spec plz

Thing is we could also extend this logic to the classes that don’t have interrupts (yet). That’s a precedent we should be wary of setting.

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Oh yes, a terrific way to encourage discussion, end your thread with, “If you do not agree with me you are a troll.”

Do you believe that insulting those you are trying to convince of something is the best response?

These aren’t the kind of changes most people are okay with because that’s gonna open the door to a whole bunch of classes asking for a whole bunch of stuff and it never ends.

Dual spec (just the first thing that came to mind) is something everyone can benefit from and changes nothing other than allowing players to not have to spend silly amounts of gold to respec all the time.

Just my thoughts though feel free to tell me if you think I’m wrong.

MOMMY… MOOMYYYYYY!!! Where’s my resurrection? THIS UNFAIR

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Can I get All the QOL changes for Rogue from Wrath too? Like All of the Wrath kit and talents so I can be insanely OP and game breaking just like you.

This is on my list for “#somechanges” for Classic, while they’re doing that whole Chrono debacle thing LOL:

EDIT: AKA you have my vote :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Interrupts are not the same as out of combat rezzing.

Makes no sense


this is exactly how it was designed to be.

Conversation over.


I’d trade my combat rez for an OOC rez any day.

You do realize you are playing TBC rogue right? Not only is TBC rogue stronger than WotLK rogue, you also don’t have to deal with the power level of plate melee such as Rets, DKs and Warriors.

RMP is stronger in TBC, but “Rogue” is stronger in Wrath by a literal order of magnitude, and ill avoid spoiling that surprise.

Maybe I’m too used to playing S8 arenas in WotLK but resilience and 284 ilvl weapons really make plate and mail king in arena. Shadowmourne is absolutely ridiculous and when the time comes for WotLK classic last phase, tons of people are gonna have it just like legendaries and KT weapons in regular classic.

The physical damage and amount of pierce available is just way too much damage for anything that doesn’t have an insanely high amount of armor. Even 284 bow is just bonkers. Rogues can blow up cloth but everyone blows up cloth at that point. You have situations where a ret can tear through a max resilience priest with PS active up in 4 globals.

You vastly underestimate what a ridiculously dumb environment late WotLK is lol.

Many of us would stack armor pen for arena also because it was really really really strong in Wrath, especially because there was just so much of it. After a certain point you could make straight up confetti of plate and the armor class did not really matter any more.

Cloth and Leather blew up. Druids that shifted into Bear/Moonkin/Tree, Hunters, Shamans and Plate wearers DID still have mitigation that mattered. And that was the point.

I suppose if you did not stack enough armor pen, then sure Plate worked. Armor pen was freaking nuts because rogues have expose armor and SB on top of it.

The reason the meta was the way it was, was because high armor classes still had plenty of armor even if you maximized this pierce. Lower armor classes did have their mitigation wiped out entirely, which was pretty cancerous overall and this is what led to the domination of plate DPS really.

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