So Odyn lives in a part of the shadowlands?

Both of those fit the esthetic of their class so much better than the stupid Halls of Valor. Perhaps they aren’t perfect, but they are way closer to the class fantasy.

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I went into some order halls, but not all of them, but here is the deal.

Paladin Order Hall: Church where all the paladin groups unite towards same goal, place already know in lore.
Druid Order hall: Druidic themed space in the current area of expansion, connecting the dream portals from past expansions, cool.
Monk Order Hall: pandaren starting zone repurposed both in lore and in game as meeting place for all monks, nice (wish the peak was kept as the order hall though).
Demon Hunter: twisting nether, full of demon hunters

And then… Warrior, just a random afterlife of Vrykuls where you don’t see a single warrior npc that you might have met in game before.

Death knights got to continue partying in Acherus for our order hall, plus it made death gate relevant again.

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Why? /10char

Personally I love the Valhalla after life. After watching Thor and playing Skyrim, it seems like the best place for post mortem warriors.


1: You’re there to protect your home planet and not some nebulous plane of existance.

2: Odyn provides creature comforts. Feasting, Fighting, and presumably other pleasures are freely available. Maladraxxus just seems like a miserable place.

3: Big ol giant ladies. :smiley:


Makes me wonder how the Forsaken valkyr work then as they’ve been used on people who are long dead and are likely already deep into being processed by whatever afterlife they wound up in.

The Forsaken Val’kyr go into the shadowlands and pull the soul of the dead body they want to bring back from their afterlife, and no undead remembers where they went when they died.

Same. Warrior might have been my favorite order hall, thematically and layout wise. To each their own


It was my second favorite. DKs had the best everything in Legion, but I really dug the norse afterlife dealio with helping Thorim, Hymdall, and Hodir.

I also really dug that it didn’t shy away from calling the keepers ‘gods.’


While at first I didn’t like the Warrior order hall, I do find it funny though that Odyn had to shallow his pride and allowed non-vrykul (and in some cases, non titan-forged) into his “vrykul only” club. The non titan-forged is important as he was against the dragon aspects because they weren’t titan-forged.

Now the campaign though, that was terrible. I actually liked Odyn reaching out and repairing his relationship with the other Keepers of Ulduar, however the villain being some random demon instead of Helya (which makes way more sense) is what put me off. If there is anyone who wanted to stop Odyn from increasing his army it is Helya. All we got from Helya was the fury artifact chain and a pointless quest to defeat her in the Maw of Souls dungeon.

Still reckon the warrior campaign should’ve been a lead in to Trial of Valor if blizzard had planned that raid from the start, instead of thinking of it at the last minute after doing some testing for Halls of Valor and Maw of Souls.

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What? If anything it was Draenei themed rather then human themed! It was Velen leading the charge in an ancient draenei temple!

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Priest order hall was godawful. So bare bones.


Priest probably got one of the worst of not the worst campaigns cause it shares the Paladin quest ending.

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I actually liked that about it. The priest campaign in general, however, wasn’t very interesting at all.

I felt it was lazy since I only really saw the priest and pallies sharing the same campaign ending and overall villain

What takes that award for me were all the reused artefact quests for so many specs.

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True, but hey at least the other campaigns where unique :joy::sweat_smile:

That’s especially a problem because I feel like arguably all of the Class Hall campaigns should have eventually converged into a shared ending following the conclusion of their respective stories whereby they’d join forces against a shared top-tier Legion foe as a setup for their joint offensive at the Broken Shore. Or perhaps even as a part of that very thing, wherein some massed assault by all of the Order Halls (culminating in a - this time victorious - in-game cinematic battle) breaks the Legion’s lines and explains story-wise why the entrance to the previously unassailable Tomb is accessible for raiding in 8.2.

Instead of just being sort of tossed together off-screen into this “Legionfall” faction comprised of random unnamed NPC’s in a new tabard and thereafter existing solely to provide a class mount and occasionally a voiced portrait for a Broken Shore World Quest.


The Halls of Valor is a section of Ulduar that Helya separated and lifted into the sky for Odyn once the dragons were made aspects. He thought that was a terrible idea so he had Helya help him create a backup, protest defense force. And eventually because he’s a butthead, that backup was made a prison.

He also gave one of his eyes to Zovaal in exchange for learning how to make val’kyr. So all these tens of thousands of years, the Jailer’s been chillin watching Azeroth, the tv show.