So Odyn lives in a part of the shadowlands?

I’m confused. Also Helya does too? She’s not dead. It’s very random she s back yes

No Odyn dosen’t live in the Shadowlands.

Helya was killed.


Odyn’s realm is its own (very small) plane, a pocket dimension created for him by Helya back when they were still on good terms.

His goal, essentially, was to build an army to defend Azeroth by intercepting souls before they left and putting them into forged bodies. He’s doing for Azeroth what Maldraxxus does for the Shadowlands. The Val’kyr are his fake Kyrians who can steal souls before the real Kyrians get to them.


Basically just the house of the chosen, though.

Also I’d pick Odyn’s service over Maladraxxus 10/10 times.


I mean, the Valarjar are trapped up there eternally drinking, feasting, and partying, so I can see the appeal over Maldraxxus.


I don’t think the Halls of Valor are even their own plane, I think they’re just flying in the sky above Azeroth. Pretty sure Chronicle said something to that effect.

They aren’t part of it. Helheim touches the Shadowlands, but it’s not actually within it. The Halls of Valor is not connected.

The Halls I think was originally just floating above Azeroth. Helya used the Keeper’s pocket dimension magic to later seal away the place. The same tech she used to make Helheim too.

Odyn himself has used some death magic to make his val’kyr who can ferry souls to him, but it’s outside the realm of the Shadowlands. Helya is dead, we killed her. Her soul went to the Maw.


Yeah, Halls of Valor are in Azeroth, players can go there, not just warriors, Darius and/or Eitrigg hang out there as well.

Which is weird.

Still lamest order hall.

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Plus, after actually seeing it up close, with my own two eyes on max settings, I fully understand why Reignac found the zone unsettlingly gross. I’d take the boring, overly shiny place, with palatable food and drink, any day.


Yeah, Maldraxxus is not exactly a good place to hang around.

You can be battle ready and clean.

I’m kinda mad they didn’t grandfather Odie into having a Shadowlands realm by having Helya unknowingly craft it that way, but it is what it is, I guess.


Eh. Personal preferences here, but I liked it more than the priest space ship. Neither my human priest nor my nightborne priest really could vibe with Naaru space ship. My draenie and nightborne warriors could totally get down with a rip-off viking feast hall made of gold.

But I absolutely get why it’s boring to others.

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My problem is not the visuals, it is actually good looking.

Is the fact that there is no other Warriors in the warrior order hall

Every follower is a Vrykul, everyone is vrykul, but some are hunters, mages, smiths.

But that place as a covenant would be amazing.


The priest order hall was weird as-well. IT was basically humans and friends. Nothing for Night Elves, Blood Elves, or Trolls (NPCs in name at best).

I hated the warrior order hall. Why had it to be another useless titan forged facility? The aesthetic doesn’t fit warriors. Another lame 0815 Valhalla, but in titan robot style. I would’ve preferred at least something like the old Fray Island / warrior island


I always chuckle when people say the Halls of Valor are the worst order hall when we have order halls that are barren floating rocks or literally a sewer filled with trash and piles of feces


Or worse… infested by druids…


It’s called Austere Minimalism (we’ll that’s what I just called it). A rejection of gaudy trifles.

And the overly complicated and indirect walkways are a testament to the inevitability of our victory. We have no reason for direct paths or convenient placement of things. We savor our labors!


No, he covered tha-

Just kidding druids, I love you all so much, please heal me in dungeons!!! :heartpulse:

I’m grateful for the Mage order hall. Beautiful to look at, a nice layout.

odyn has a vacation residence in the shadowlands for when he is bored