So now that we have the trading post: can we get CLOAKS?

Didn’t we already have some?

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Yeah…and coming in May.

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Does the position pay well? Because I can be extremely contrary if I’m properly motivated.

With Physics too! :smiley:

(And no, OP isn’t talking about the ones we already have in trading post. He means to have the cloak itself wrap around a bit on the front, and on the cloak slot only. Hence the images Op posted)

Not to burst your boiler but… EVERYTHING in fantasy has their reasoning of what they really mean abused quite a lot. …This is fantasy after all. It really doesn’t matter on what the history of it at that point.

Dont get me wrong: the cloaks/hood combo are cool I won’t knock em but still not quite the cloak/cape I am talking above (again see my OP for ref) The loak, grand, over the shoulder drape with a clasp in the middle type cloaks is more what I would like to see.

You could say and I believe someone mentioned it that those type of cloaks/capes are more for ‘royal’ status we have been called champion, maw walkers, heros, legends, whatever else we have attached to us I think we are beyond royal at the moment lol.

I feel like the main factor of a cloak that makes it feel that much more cloak-y is the way it drapes over the shoulders. Most “cloaks” in WoW don’t interact with the front of your character at all. They’re a piece of cloth that jut out from the nape of your neck. We don’t really have any cloaks that do anything on your shoulders. Likely I imagine because it would create clipping issues with the various shoulder armors we have. But I think that Blizzard should experiment more in this direction, either by making some back items that are more adventurous on the shoulder/chest area despite the potential clipping issues, or by making some shoulder/back combo mogs like the recent trend of the Trading Post providing head/back combo mogs.


People literally wear burkas IRL, which like cloaks are also sleeveless and inefficient. Fashion doesn’t have to make sense. In fact, it’s usually tied to cultural mores than personal status more than anything.

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In your opinion.

Many just want cloaks cuz they look cool.

Sometimes things just look nice. I went to a wedding once where the groom wore a half-cape.

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I normally use a log without one, do cloaks have physics yet? or just a static flap animation?

Arthas’ cloak is built into his model. They likely haven’t done any cloak like that yet for players due to technical hurdles.

didnt they release a plethora of cloaks for this months trading post? I think i counted 3 or 4 alone.

Cloaks were a great way to keep warm. Especially if you were poor. If you were poor you couldn’t afford to have something stitched. You got the equivalent of a blanket attached to your back to keep you from freezing to death. It’s not as good as a coat but better than death.

I dont know why people like you exist, why is there always that one person that has to say, no lets not dream of something cool and lets just forget about it. Do you constantly go through life thinking like that?

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Wait, wait…are you suggesting that wanting a cool-looking cloak appearance on our fictional characters in a fantasy setting is a bad idea, because it’s NOT REALISTIC?

Wow. Just…wow. So then…you haven’t realized yet that we are in this game for the sole purpose of ‘playing pretend’? Or are you just having a bad day?

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We gon wild west here buckaroo.

No need to worry about guns cow poke, Because it’s fantasy!

That would be cool, but I think having it go over the shoulder like that would probably make some animations look weird, which if I had to guess is probably why we don’t have them yet.

4 is not a plethora. It’s okay to ask for more over time.

What we have is a plethora of stiff pieces of paper hanging off our shoulders.

I’d concur, full cloaks would be amazing. At the same time I’d love to see Mantles/Mantelets/Tippets, Side-Cloaks (Shoulder Button), “Spanish” Cloaks, more Veils, and any number of other styles of clothing to extend the Transmog options that extend to or over the shoulders.

they call them jackets/coats/fleece/hoodie… i mean they do the same thing as keeping you protected from the elements and dry. Now technology has improved much since then but that doesn’t mean cloaks aren’t practical still.