So now that we have the trading post: can we get CLOAKS?

and no not that piece of cloth, sad excuse we currently call a cloak in game I mean CLOAKS like Arthas wore i also think Godfrey also wore an epic cloak, so yeah can we make that happen blizzard?

For ref:

Fan made?


Yes, please. Cloaks that clasp in the middle, as well as one sided ones.


I want trench coats and dusters.


If you honestly want a cloak, just take your sheet off your bed and drape it around your neck.

Cloaks were stupid in medieval times and they’re still stupid in fantasy.

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The talking werewolf said.


I value your opinion and most of all the pump to my post: You are wrong of course, but to each there own. I mean there you are running around as a cosplayer are a really weird con and we just need to accept that, and the fact that worgens do in fact more then likely smell like wet dogs but oh NO the cloaks are stupid.


Which is why they were used by many cultures since at least the Hellenistic period.


And many cultures thought disease was spread by the humors and malignant spirits. Your point?

Yeah; stupid people, wanting to protect themselves from weather. How immersion-breaking.


LOL! Comparing the functionality of a piece of clothing used for thousands of years to erroneous beliefs held by the same people due to lack of technology. That’s quite a reach.

Ancient people knew of geometry, but I guess because they believed in spirits, the geometry they used, and we still use today, is wrong?


That’s why we still use cloaks today. Right?

We still believe in spirits.

Holy crap you all take this Sunday thing serious.

If you want to pretend wearing a blanket around your shoulders is immersive, go nuts. Maybe build yourself a pillow fort and pretend your dog is your ‘noble steed’.

Why do we use backs that look like tablecloths?

By the way, the argument for ‘Cloaks’ is that some undead guy can keep himself warm in the arctic after sleeping in a glacier for twenty years.

Better than pretending to be a dog, tbh.


I like the LK one. I also like the one that the crazy guy in Venthyr for the quest had. Theotar the mad duke. When he tells you to go get back his clothes, that robe looks so cool. We need that!

brito is a resident contrarian


Does anyone know anything about history?
Cloaks aka Capes and such have always been used to describe the authority of ones value or state of power.
Would you see a King dressed in the robes aka cloak that of a Lord or a peasant dressed with that of a Kings attire?
The royale family of London still to this day present themselves with these types of attire in special cases of authority designation.
Blizzard in the long run abuses the reasoning of what cloaks really mean and to what the real purpose of them.
Nothing to do with fantasy or warmth.

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Did you not see May’s trading post loot?


apparently can’t directly link to a post on their own site. Great job, Activision.

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