So now that Night Elves worship a robot

It’s weird. If I actually try to think about it, I get that embarrassed feeling like when you’re watching a really not funny stand-up comedian.

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I have no problem worshipping robots…

Why is everyone so surprised?

I Mean WotlK showed up that all of the Titan Keepers are robots.

The Emerald Dream, a Titan construct, was watched over by Freya. Also a robot.

The Forge of Origination in Cataclysm & Pandaria, a giant computer, protected by robots that looked like Egyptian gods.

And now another Major Power in the universe is revealed to be a robot, and everyone acts like it’s the first time?

What’s up with you guys?


This is too much for my 2016 self who was so happy reading War of the Ancients and deciding to play WoW as a Nelf Druid for their lore.


that is clearly a robot from ducktales.

So are NElf Druids now considered Autobots?

and gears don’t make themselves… so who made the robots?


Little known fact: Night Elf robots were brought to life by Kaldor-A.I.


The Jailer/First Arbiter was a robot… If you look that the arbiter had to relegate the souls to at least the major zones, one can make a jump that they are probably all robots created by the same ‘super being’…

With the Winter Queen basically stating that Elune is her sister, then one can make the additional leap that Elune must also be a robot.

It was the Vrykuls according to wowpedia.

I will refuse to admit it!

:blue_square: :white_square_button: :blue_square: :white_square_button: :blue_square: :white_square_button: :blue_square: :white_square_button: :blue_square: :white_square_button: :blue_square: :white_square_button: :blue_square: :white_square_button: :blue_square: :white_square_button: :blue_square: :white_square_button:

The robot dreamed of infinite sorrow
Of spring faded and winter morrow

Wars in unending skies and drums resound
no rest, only shaking earth and ground

What remains awake, death cannot cheat
trapped in lies, like flies drunk on sweet

The toll for whom the current drifts apart
Win or lose, follow the cacophonous heart

It beckons, it only wants more
Solve a riddle, close one door

To face unending mirrors, I see
And I see, I see, I see…only me.

:blue_square: :white_square_button: :blue_square: :white_square_button: :blue_square: :white_square_button: :blue_square: :white_square_button: :blue_square: :white_square_button: :blue_square: :white_square_button: :blue_square: :white_square_button: :blue_square: :white_square_button: :blue_square: :white_square_button:


Titans, Construct-Gods imposing Order via constructs =/= Every Cosmic Force Is Robots.

^ means everything is due to Order, including Disorder.

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