So now that Night Elves worship a robot

oh! curse of flesh? probably dwarves then. first time i ever heard of the curse of flesh it was about the earthen getting turned into dwarf ancestors. but for natural races, i think it’s a draw between tauren and trolls. they might’ve popped-up at the same time, but at different ends of the world.

I would assume so

Automa cursed with flesh and free will

Is Automa midichlorians?


Please, we deal in hard facts in lore not made up fantasies…

you know what, buttercleave? you’re okay. you’re not green but again no one is perfect.

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I have made a mistake it’s not the First Ones it’s the Firster Ones (Eternals)

What about the Firster First Ones?

so like maybe the old gods was right and good and the Curse of Flesh is the way! :crossed_swords: :fire: :heartpulse:


the first ones made the universe, ergo everything is a robot.

Even Hogger?

nah, hogger is just someone in a fur suit, we found this out in BfA I believe

God dammit Danuser

If the implication that Elune is a robot like the Winter Queen is correct, that means it follows that the pantheon of the Old Gods/Void are also robots, lol.

It is not too late for them to shunt this design, and we don’t know for sure that this is the case. I pray they don’t follow through with what is implied.

We have no evidence that the curse of the flesh happened anywhere other than Azeroth. This was a particular reaction of the old gods to their imprisonment. I’m not even sure it was deliberate as the machines were capable of being corrupted so no need for the old gods to do the flesh transformation.

We also don’t know if the Winter Queen and Elune are literal sisters or because of the relationship of their realms they are sisters. If Elune could send wisps directly to the Winter Queen, did her decision needed to be finalized by the Arbiter? There are aspects of the “sisters” interaction that are messy in terms of how things work together.

Would the Covenant leaders not know they are a very high level of autonoma? Perhaps a level of comfort in seeing “living” beings may account for the peoples of the covenants appearing to be beings of flesh. As the Winter Queen showed, they were certainly capable of being wounded.

Alternatively, they are flesh and blood and the autonoma we saw was essentially their version of a skeleton rather then whatever the heck happened to Zovaal after his death. And what is his death? Other animal forms appear to die and even be eaten rather than result in a fade to machine death.

It’s just really, really messy and probably shouldn’t be pondered over too much other than for fanfic purposes.

Not seeing the problem here.

Well,they are not really robots but animated structures if you killed on ZM they just fall apart but it were a robot they would spark which they don’t.

Let me explain,an animated structure is a bit like a processed doll it moves by means of a spirit or soul in this case while a robot uses circuitry and motors device,

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Pantheons so far seem to mirror one another to some extent. Elune (possibly), Eonar, Winter Queen all have similar DNA, Zovaal echoes Sargeras. Maybe Old God Titan++ Zovaal/Sargeras is the one spewing Old Godseed across the multiverse to corrupt and conquer it under one banner. Light seems set up similarly to potentially Lightforge all of existence.

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Please don’t ever say this again :nauseated_face: