So now that Mag'har can be warlocks

Can we get some class specific barbershop options like making their skin green?

…Wait, hold on

(edit: Just to be clear I am not anti Mag’har warlock. I like options actually. Now to see how many more folks comment with an eye roll “Oh this again, don’t like don’t play” )


The Mag’har Warlocks being part of the Shadowmoon Clan plays it safe with their Void Walkers. :pinching_hand::robot:

Also this doubles the people in the horde’s Shadowmoon Clan. :v::robot:


Your saltiness that Warlocks for all is coming is showing.


do people forgot the light forge mag’har we had in the allied race quest we had?

Au contraire I am all in for all classes for all races. I’d love it if we got glyphs to customize spells etc to suit the fantasy of different race/class combos though.

I just think it’s funny to think about this one and that fel-touched Mag’har aesthetic would bring us full circle.


It’s not so much that people forget as it’s not such a big deal when in the end every race is going to have every class minus Evoker for personal choice and personal enjoyment, people raging about it still are cringe.


That’s a really bad misrepresentation of the Shadowmoon Clan. They were shaman, not warlocks. It was only when they were twisted into fel orcs did they become warlocks.

I’m not sure what that has to do with this?


people come here and say mag’har mean uncorruptible when it come with the warlocks

takes alot to make green orcs, only reason the original orcs now are green, is because they abused the use of fel magic alot to the point that even the land itself was becoming fel corrupted.

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If you wanna play a green Orc play a normal Orc, playable Mag’har have brown/reddish brown skin as their customizations and not everything needs a specific race customization to make it supposedly make sense.


Correct. Because they were the ones that weren’t corrupted by fel. That’s where their name comes from. It literally means “uncorrupted.” But it has to do with the fel, not the light.

Lightbound Orcs don’t have anything to do with the Mag’har.

It actually doesn’t:

Originally, all orcs were either brown-skinned, ranging from a bark-like brown to reddish-brown; or grey-skinned, ranging from a light grey to a dark, sooty black. However, with the exception of the isolated Mag’har, their bodies reacted to their exposure to warlock magic once it was introduced by Gul’dan. All orcs with warlocks in their clan found their skin slowly turning green before they were ever offered the blood of the demon Mannoroth.[98]

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I am aware.

I am just making what I consider a humorous observation.

People want red draenei warlocks. What would a fel Mag’har be?

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fair, it takes alot of Exposure then.
just not all at once.

They also aren’t going to get them because everything in the patch has already been shown and is already ready to go live and red Draenei aren’t in it so again you and others don’t need green skins for Mag’har Orcs when normal Orcs already exist.

According to Blizzard exactly what it is a Mag’har Orc Warlock with brown or brownish red skin, people like you want to make this big deal out of new race/class combos coming and it’s not, whatever race being whatever class doesn’t change they are said race and class.

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I am not making a big deal of it, I am not asking for anything, I just think this thought is funny.

I want Mag’har warlocks and warlocks for all. I want all races as all classes. Some combinations are just amusing to think about, doesn’t mean I don’t want them.

I play a Vulpera.

Edit: I want the glyphs to modify spells but that was a separate thought. I think it would be cool to lean in to the fantasy of a Sunwalker vs a Vindicator for example by changing what spells look like.

Honestly, I wouldn’t mind the red eradar skin options for the Draenei though. Wish Blizzard would also continue on expanding upon customizations on top of the class/race combinations too. And not have it class locked as well.


If we could get Dracthyr level customization for all I would be very happy.

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This is unneeded, it’s like when people say that Void Elves and Undead shouldn’t get Paladins until they have different colored spells it’s seriously unneeded when they can just cast, fight, etc. like the rest of the Paladins do.

Those aren’t actually considered Draenei though, especially in the case of playable Draenei or Lightforged Draenei.


Maybe not needed but for those of us who care about the lore and race fantasy it would be very, very cool.

Pandaren shamans should be able to have Pandarian elementals dagnabbit.

And Night Elven priests with silver magic.

The system to do it is already there with glyphs, we just need to actually use it. And with glyphs it’s entirely opt-in.