I know. But still
Wait, I thought it was DRINKING the blood of Mannoroth that made orcs green-skinned, not the act of just using fel magic? Cause tons of other races use fel without it physically changing them, the only ones I can think of are blood elves since they were also consuming fel magic, or draenei and night elves/nightborne since they just seem to be magic sponges with weird physiology.
Edit: I’m actually asking this earnestly I’m not familiar so much with any warlock lore.
That’s a Draenei who was already cursed, exposed to fel.
Normally you get this with just fel exposure:
and they didnt had the balls to give us the skimpy draenei warlock gears we deserve, less a decent draenei warlock npc, they could have bringed something similar to archimonde, kiljaeden, the warlock sisters from the sun well but noooo, get a broken guy that looks like a shaman here… shame on them.
The Man’ari are the Eredar Demons like Archimonde and Kil’jaeden though the Krokul Broken are mortal which suffered from the fel.
The Shaman tried to touch the Void and most were ripped apart. But they didn’t touch Fel. It wasn’t until they were twisted into Fel Orcs that they became Warlocks.
But it’s Blizzard. I don’t expect them to remember their own lore or keep to it anymore.
It was exposure to fel magic, the Frostwolves did not drink the blood but they still took a greenish tint on their skin.
Draenei are Eredar who fled from Argus and started calling themselves “Draenei”. Man’ari is a faction of Eredar who went all-in on the Legion and had some physical changes due to the power that they were granted like getting huge, none of which were taking on a Broken appearance. They’re not separate species, just one was changed in some ways due to being empowered by fel magic.
The Kro’kul/Broken are Draenei (Eredar) who were severed from the Light by a modified Curse of Sethe. That process changed them physically. All three variations are the same race.
Oh! Relka is only a shadow priest from our timeline.
The Shadowmoon being the warlocks for Draenor Mag’har is using a Void angle similar to Forsaken Shadow Priests.
There’s no exposure to the Curse of Sethe on Argus but the fel mutation resembles Broken.
Perhaps the true effect is turning them into Lost Ones?
edit: The corruption of the Eredar is rather confusing but it’s understood the Man’ari are demons only able to be completely killed in the Twisting Nether.
edit: It’s maybe possible Man’ari weren’t affected bathing in fel energy which damaged mortals into Broken.
And give Draenei Man’ari colors too!
You’re conflating drinking the blood of the pit lord Mannoroth with using Fel magic.
When is this implemented.
Okay thank you!! Maybe orcs are just weird magic sponges too.
What, do Warlocks drink Demon Blood now?
Warlocks were never limited to Fel. In fact, in the past, the class had a more “dark caster” vibe than anything entirely focused on this one type of resource.
If you ask me, it’s that awful chart that came after Warlords of Draenor with the cosmic forces and the narrative that they were all fighting one another.
I never once said they were. But all Warlocks deal with Fel and demons as well as shadow.
The Shadowmoon did not. They only tried to dabble in the Void. It wasn’t until they were twisted into Fel Orcs that they became Warlocks.
Warlocks were never Shadow only.
I appreciate genuinely that my poo post led to some interesting lore discussion.
Sure. Red too.
Aww someone pretending to care about the lore, how cute.