So now that bfa is over

I wouldn’t be suprprised if, after telling us MULTIPLE times that the Jailer was the end boss, they went SYKE!!! and it turns out the Arbiter is a corrupt tyrant that must be destroyed.

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The Arbitjailer Windrunner will save us all.

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bfa was a low point for me. They made a bastardization of one of my favorite characters. Be that as it may, even if they were to somehow redeem her in a way that isn’t as contrived as it sounds, there’s no way she’s ever rejoining the forsaken.

It makes me sick.

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Shoot I mean I it is obvious they painted Sylvanas as evil in BfA, but I imagine they will attempt to do some kind of redemption in Shadowlands. Either way though I doubt it will do more then turn her from the dark evil villain to a inky grey one at best.

I’m perfectly content with inky grey. I’m not big on mustache-twirling evil which is what we got currently.

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Same. I mean I don’t think what they did with Sylvanas is out of character or surprising, but the actual detailed events are not well written and do come off as cartoonish evil almost.
And I mean that is not all that weird in wow either, the game exists in a world where literal demons have attempted multiple times to destroy it. But I definitely understand why people don’t like to see that with a character people have grown close to over the years.

Anti heroes don’t, generally, kill civilians.

They do bad things…to bad people.

MY archetype anti-hero. The punisher. he clearly breaks the law. He technically is a serial killer if we must use labels. The thing is his preferred targets are criminals. Bad things to bad people.

Now if for some reason he just started mowing down a street filled with women and children to kill just 1 drug dealer. And he just keeps doing it now he’d crossover over to villain.

30 innocents to kill 1 bad guy is just really wrong. Now 30 dead dealers and no civillianz killed…much better outcome. Still illegal though.

See its clear she needed mass death to power up the means to make a rift to the shadowlands.

Azeroth has many choices here to kill for this. If she needed 10000 souls…we could find 10,000 souls who actually deserved to die. Horde…go kill me 5000 naga and 5000 murlocs.


trust me. Oh and tell your people to start getting warm clothes. After this we may be taking a ski vacation…of sorts. Hit some fresh powder, give Bolvar a choice he won’t like. And if he doesn’t like it…well you’ll see.

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It depends on the anti-hero and the story.

Illidan was technically an anti-hero. His ultimate goal was thwarting Sargeras. And he killed many civilians. The difference here was that he wasn’t twirling his mustache trying to snuff out the hope.

for me, i think they tried to hard with her.

things like the burning of Teldrassil, she threw her plan to the wayside because and Nelf said they had hope.

then you get the video that showed her heroically power-sliding into the sword of a mounted warrior…

these aren’t exactly the acts of someone who is outsmarting everyone with expert tactician skills.

i personally probably could’ve enjoyed BFA more if she hadn’t been part of it.

(i played alliance so i’m not sure how it came out for horde side as i only powered a toon through just for the achievement)

To be fair, Sylvanas doing a guitar solo power slide into Frostmourne was probably the most metal thing in the game.

true, but tactically stupid.

I wish Blizzard just slipped in a Dragonforce guitar riff in that scene. That would have been the icing on the cake.

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Other difference is we know people have been playing with his mind for so long we have to go…is it him, or was the dude just on the green mind screw over bit again. Even later there was the light trying to play with his mind.

So far as we have seen…Sylvanas has been show to be acting on own accord. The tree incident was just supposed to be really good blockade move. Cut it off and effectively remove it from play but not trash the joint. She changed that plan.

Either because a night elf triggered her or to put Saurfang in his place after he disobeyed orders. Or both.

If their twist is having Sylvanas shout “Azeroth is free!” at the end of Shadowlands I’ll be satisfied. What a twist it would be to learn that this whole time we were just being epicly trolled by the writers.

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I think the funniest thing is they had us genocide the night elves and then tried to conveniently brush it under the rug for new players in shadowlands as they realized to late it might impact new players negatively if they picked nelf only to find out later they got jebaited