If you have a strategy for running out AFKers/leeches when reporting doesn’t work and we can’t make premades to ensure we don’t have them I am all ears.
No, playing a game where I can’t lose regardless of the reason sounds boring to me. I would, however, play a 3 hour game if it was competitive and enjoyable, regardless of honour/rep.
Then again, I’m one of the few idiots that wanted the original AV with landmines, elite mobs everywhere, gathering nodes, etc… and game that could last days. From Vanilla to today that AV was the most fun I ever had in this game, period- and the amount of rep/honour made from doing it really had nothing to do it.
As it stands- honour, rep, even lose/win rates as much as they suck for Alliance in AV are only partial factors. I’m not touching it right now because to me the most important thing about it is that in its current state AV is not even remotely enjoyable.
I hope you like the sound of crickets, because very few people want to a game where they are at a massive disadvantage compared to their opponents. They certainly won’t do it just for the fun of it.
If alliance has not hard capped a GY south of IWB pass, how do they come back from losing SHGY? The longest distance between 2 adjacent GYs is the distance between SPGY and SHGY. Once horde have hard capped SHGY, it is literally right behind the single choke point that needs to be held, which is conveniently also the absolute best choke point to hold if you are holding it from the south. If you want go north through that choke point, it is substantially wider (because you can drop down) than it is coming from the south. The approach to the choke point is wide open. The choke itself, when coming from the north, is about the same width as the bridge at DB. Defenders can line up all along the lip of the hill there . Hell, SHGY is closer to the IWB pass choke than aid station GY is to the DB bridge. People defending IWB pass from the south can’t be flanked like people defending DB can be, there’s better ability to both engage and to retreat out of range/LOS when defending IWB pass from the south than when defending DB.
Once SHGY is lost, any realistic chance for alliance to win is gone.
I mean…they could have changed the horde spawn cave. That is such a huge tactical advantage that makes it VERY difficult for ally to win a game even when they try.
I think Blizzard will have to be more reactive. I don’t want to imagine what the comments about AV will be like after this patch is released. Horde queues will go up and it will probably be even harder to win AV on the alliance side as only really just leveling alts will join for the most part or AFKers…