this game is dead its okay just, just pull the cord yeah?
I mean, the mounts we can get by raising them aren’t exactly glorious or unique. It’s a direhorn and a pterrodax recolor, with both of them having asinine timegating attached to them. There’s no eggs, no rep, no “gaining” access to the mount on your own agenda.
The bee mount is supposedly a thing in 8.2.5 or later.
And your argument that Alliance has NO unique mounts only applies to these two quests. The Alliance does need less horses, for sure. Their rep mounts should have been different entirely.
But just because we can do a long, time gated quest to unlock recolors doesn’t really mean much. I’d much rather have faction bound questlines and grinds to unlock completely brand new mounts as opposed to what they gave us. But alas, here we are.
I care nothing about racials, at all. I have a max Alliance character. If there was a mount I had to unlock only on the Alliance side and I wanted it, I’d do it. Even if I did have an Alliance toon, if I really wanted it, I’d do it.
I wouldn’t come running to the forums crying about it being unfair.
I was eating my chili fries!
Do you see the the new worgen and gobllin model on the game??? But they are still coming… The mount have been annouced a while ago and have been datamining recently. The expansion still have more than one year so yeah the chance that we will see it is pretty high.
You still have no proof that it was remove. Not seeing it rightnow is not a proof
The gryphons wouldn’t be that bad if they would had at least updated their model a bit from the MoP version. Them having paper thin wings is lazier than reusing the armor imo.
I have an alliance toon to unlock alliance exclusive battle pets. Us mount and pet collectors have it rough.
Idk why you’d choose that end game. Mount collecting breaks the spirit so easily.
I am a pet collector, I just feel for my mount collecting brethren. Though I do admit I am going for that new wheel mount.
I still say my ideas for a dk class mounts are okay…
A crypt fiend, or a abomination mount you ride in its stomach, while using its ribs too steer it.
It’s may be a thing - but until I actually see it in game and know that it’s obtainable it’s all just smoke and mirrors from Blizz.
You’re super angry! Sounds like you’re crying rn
That wheel mount is easily one of the best mounts they’ve released that’s not tied to anything except luck.
The last thing we knew is that it was datamining. Until we have a better proof than the “i dont see it rightknow” we can asume that it Will come.
Imagine the outrage if bee mount was only usable by Alliance. Oh man, I’d love that drama.
Tbh, i think a lot of the community members are done with the string along approach. Folks are rightfully skeptical.
1 - Who cares?
2 - Where does it say content has to be equal?
3 - Grow up and stop whining.
Well yes, so if you are an alliance only player then it kind of suck I suppose.
All I can say is roll a Horde and farm the egg.
We got some reskinned Pandaria gryphons to go along with our horses that reuse Cataclysm mount assets.