Do you think nerfs are incoming?
Look up madskillzztv on YouTube, he healed PF and HOA +15 as ele
Do you think nerfs are incoming?
Look up madskillzztv on YouTube, he healed PF and HOA +15 as ele
All hybrids shd be able to do it at current gear levels by choosing the healing soulbinds/ legendary… I believe there is a video of a boomie doing something similar .
Might look it up later, but if I had to guess he’s just doing chains of devestation?
Could be neat to try, but if your group takes consistent failure damage or a pull gets too big could be scary without tools like Link/Ascendance.
Let’s also not forget no dispel for magic effects. Unless you bring a Shadowpriest there are some debuffs that could get nasty. Definitely wouldn’t do this in an uncoordinated/random group.
Yup, even madskillz has stated that there are some dungeons he simply couldn’t do because of the lack of dispel.
We’ve seen multiple videos of healer-less mythic dungeon runs at this point. There’s even been a video of a feral druid “tanking” a mythic dungeon. It’s not OP or broken and needing to be nerfed.
Lol… Sith Lords .
Edit:- If there is a nerf I hope it stays with Chain Heal spell ( which along with the chains leggo and aftershock seems to be doing the trick ) and does not go into healing surge for Ele. That would be bad .
If the group doesn’t do their job and understand mechanics or interrupts— then it’s a COMPLETE nightmare, yes i’ve tried.
I wouldn’t try to pug it tbh—i have a consistent group i run with that I do 15+ and can do most if not all dungeons with a warlock in my group fel hunter can dispell magic that I can’t(Necrotic Wake- last boss is tough and so is plaguefall 2nd boss DR)
People have been theory crafting with the chains leggo for a while. You can easily go into a 40 man bg and top heals with it while still doing good dmg. (Ashan specifically).
I’m not surprised this exists, especially given that enhance could heal dungeons in MoP and I believe there was an enhancer that healed a challenge mode.
It’s an off build and something fun and interesting. I’m against the nerf let off ball builds exist. No more hybrid tax let people have fun
Get back to me when someone does this in a PUG
Shaman can’t have anything nice. Been holding out making this waiting to see if it will be nerfed.
Have done several 15+ in a pug too— it’s slightly harder but doable.
I’ve only had the balls to venture up to 11s so far with this, just got tuft today so maybe can push a bit higher. This is all in pugs.
10+ Dungeons I’ve done so far, HoA, PF, and surprisingly, SD. Decurse is big in HoA and SD, which we can still do as ele. Just did a DOS12 too, felt pretty easy.
Not saying this for certain, but if this is a play style people want to play I would think any Cov except necrolord would be superior.
All have burst heal options that could really
help in a pinch. Assuming this isn’t nerfed for another month, I will probably switch around covs then and see if the play style can be improved.
Yeah I’m actually night fae right now. Korayn’s +10% damage/healing to targets over 70%/under 35% hp helps. One chain heal crit tops people up from like 20% hp.
Also fae transfusion is pretty nice, you basically have 2 aoe heal cooldowns with it. Transfusion and Ancestral Guidance. Makes healing pridefuls an absolute breeze. Just bank a transfusion when it first spawns and damage is low, then pop it again when stacks get higher to instantly top everyone.
I’ve thought about this for a while. If you can keep it alive, coordinated shamans could always have earth elemental up if theres 5 of them.
Unlimited power!!!
Are you just going to ignore the 28 Boomkins, 1 mage, and 1 DH that did Heroic CN? Granted they were all spected into Restoration Attunement, but still.
Well Druids have been doing this kind of cheese since vanilla so no one bats an eyelid.
I expect nerfs to come either to chain heal or most likely the Kyrian covenant ability for elemental with the next hot fix. The devs historically hate it when DPS Shaman healing is up there though ironically they never seem to have the same issue with Pally’s.
Well if they nerf chain heal the legendary still would have its niche, but using it without the legendary would make it an even more gutter trash spell.
If the legendary gets nerfed well there goes the niche because I figure it would be a nerf to functionality destroying the leggi.
If Kyrian cov gets renerfed well then we are back to it being just the worst probably by a fair margin.
I hope it doesn’t get nerfed because frankly we need more fun things in WoW.