The only reason this works is because of the mana cost for the abilities is less for Ele compared to Resto. Resto would OOM playing this way very quickly. The easiest way for them to “fix” (nerf) this would be to simply change the mana costs to be the same between specs. This doesn’t affect the overall viability of the legendary, change any covenant powers, or modify spell modifiers for any specific spells (which might have ripple effects for the other specs).
No please … don’t want to go oom fast self healing on Ele.
Just nerf the legendary and be fine with it . Let the others who are not using the legendary ( it’s not commonly used anyway ) be affected .
A feral healed a 15 what’s the big deal. IF (and that’s a big if) your team is skilled enough to not take overwhelming damage and knows how to properly cycle cooldowns why can’t they be rewarded.
The problem is according to logs, ele shamans are doing top overall dps WHILE healing. At least that’s what some of the logs show. I couldn’t find any logs of feral healing 15s but if you find one feel free to post it. I really doubt the feral is pulling top dps while healing.
I don’t see Ele being able to top the damage meter as the number 1 dps in the dungeon running this unless the other 2 dps are not that great. You sacrifice an actual DPS legendary running this build and you sacrifice time between DPS casts tossing the Chain Heals in. They may be instant but still waste a GCD in which time a pure Ele dps would be beginning casting something else. Any equally geared competent DPS with their best legendary and dungeon setup should be able to pull better damage numbers.
It’s definitely a fun build though. Only thing is that you are at the complete mercy of your party in terms of being able to make it work. They have to execute the mechanics well all dungeon long. There is no SLT, Cloudburst, Ascendance, and Healing Surge spam with endless mana to save the group if things go south.