Question in the title. There was a rumor about a time skip. Witch would be a great way for our populations to jump back up, and age some of the kid chapters like Thrall’s twins, Rhonin’s twins and that one dwarf that is gonna be king of all dwarves someday.
That rumor got debunked by a dev super early in Shadowlands, everyone just ignored the debunk and carried on expecting one though.
From the Blizzplanet Interview:
Blizzplanet: Let’s see… big elephant in the room. People thought many years have passed by the time we returned to Azeroth. That we would emerge at a different point in time. A bit confusing. How do we transition from Shadowlands to Dragonflight — considering the strange way Time works in the Shadowlands?
Jackie: Time maybe works weird in the Shadowlands, but it’s not like we’re coming out of Shadowlands and: “oh my God, you’ve been gone for 50 years.” It’s nothing of that nature. It’s still Dragonflight. It still definitely takes place after Shadowlands, but not like the character was like asleep during Shadowlands in a coma for a long time or whatever.
Also this comment from Ion:
Thrall’s kids are not twins. The son was born after Deathwing’s death. By Legion he had a daughter.
Like every single xpac, never change guys
I mean, they explicitly talked about Dragonflight’s faction relations in terms of “Everyone has had time to heal, time to reflect” which… is exactly the kind of language that forces people to start talking about timeskips.
I mean, Teldrassil was… what? Two years ago? Max? The attack on Dazar’alor would have been even more recent. That isn’t enough “time to heal.” It’s barely enough time to catch your breath.
They can’t help themselves, it’s just part of their vocabulary. They talk about every expac cycle like it’s a decade long, and then just shrug and admit it all happened in eighteen months.
Seems to be just the opposite.
It seems to work out like the afterlife described in the Good Place, an incredible amount of Jeremy Bearimys pass during the events of the series while hardly any time passes on Earth.
The Jeremy Bearimy Timeline is the way that time in the afterlife flows relative to time on Earth, as explained by Michael in the episode of the third season named “Jeremy Bearimy”. He explains that whilst time on Earth moves as if it was a straight line, time in the afterlife moves in a very curvy and non-linear fashion which, when drawn on a whiteboard, resembles the cursive English word 'Jeremy Bearimy '. The cursive line he draws goes back around and connects to its own beginning, meaning that that there is no clear past nor future (much to the consternation of Chidi, who cannot wrap his head around how consequences of events can precede their cause). The dot over the ‘i’ in Jeremy Bearimy is an isolated point on the timeline which contains Tuesdays, July, and “occasionally…the time moment where nothing never occurs.” Janet also explains that her birthday is somewhere near the front of the ‘a’ on ‘Bearimy’.
I suspect the “dot” over the i is where the Arbiter’s position lies.
There wasn’t a rumor. We were flat out told in a developer interview that time works differently in the Shadowlands and we wouldn’t return at an equivalent timeframe to our absence on Azeroth.
This lead is to assume we would get a time skip expansion after Shadowlands.
Personally, I think a time skip was planned, full of zone updates a la Cataclysm, but was put on the back burner for Dragonflight due to development challenges.
We will get the time skip NEXT expansion, with an infinite flight tie in towards the end of Dragonflight.
This we were told.
This was never actually said and people just assumed it and ran with it.