So no more shaman changes?

Thrall……. Are you kidding me? Ain’t nobody here trying to be like Jaina…. Nobody asked to be like Kel’ Thas and yet we even summon the dam phoenix in TWW. Nobody asked to be able to summon Manaroth or Sargera’s Pets, yet we can summon those as a demo lock in TWW.

Who da hell do rogues have to look up to? Yet rogues mages priest have dominated the entire arena scene for years.

I feel bad for taking the bait but I know 900% you’re trolling. Blizzard doesn’t work or abandon class/specs based on popularity, is all 100% dedicated and carefully coordinated incompetence.

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Setting Shamans aside it’s very common for people to say this about people getting upset over stuff that’s in beta.

“It’s only alpha, don’t worry it will change”
“It’s only beta, don’t worry it will change”
“It’s only pre-patch, don’t worry it wont hit full release”

Then full release comes and it didn’t change and people say “well it’s too late now, why didn’t you complain earlier?”.

This is a cycle with every single expansion that this forum goes through. People need to complain as early as possible so Blizzard gets the hint. They also need to make a big fuss of it so Blizzard gets the hint.

Even then half the time Blizzard will ignore it and release without addressing the feedback, it will become a major complaint of the playerbase, and then they’ll have to fix it mid-expansion anyway.

Then they say some throwaway line about wanting to do better on communication, and go back to “It’s only alpha, don’t worry it will change” and repeat forever.


Over and over and over and over and over. When I first heard those lines I was single, now I’m married and I have a 7 year old. The cycle gets boring and the expansions go by and you develop this love for the game but hate for the makers relationship.

I feel bad because Warriors are in such a bad state regarding non-dps utility they bring to groups but i can’t even complain because there’s an obvious red headed stepchild who has it worse than us given I actually do like Thane/Colossus.


Espcially how its linked to a very warcraft class. I mean out of every mmo shamans are one of the more unique classes yet blizz tends to ignore it.

Same with trolls and that gets ignored too.

If ur a troll shaman find me another game u can play and have that. None

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Mountain Thane doing Stormstrike damage while Stormstrike does physical damage…

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ngl, while Mountain Thane is supposed to be Dwarf flavored, Thane Prot basically looks like the old dream of a shaman tank spec to me

Human paladins are really having a weekend on the forums.

And yet i played the absolute crap out of it. Permanent infernal pet was way cooler than being shackled to my felguard.

Dawg don’t make me get a forum ban. Chill and fly away.

The plight of shaman shouldnt stop you for asking for what you need on other classes.

Shaman need help, yes. But they arent the only. Ask away.

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Take your meds.

Oh, I have been. But I definitely don’t feel like we’ve got it the worst.

But yeah, if final tuning isn’t kind to us warrior dps won’t be in high demand.

With the bad luck Shamans have, they’ll probably answer and give warriors what they need and shamans still won’t get a single line in the patch notes.

Which is really sad. Thematically, warriors would be one of the first classes I’d look to if Enhancement comes into WW broken beyond viability. But our vast utility arsenal is a huge part of why I love shaman, and I just don’t think I could give that up entirely.

Especially when my M+ team relies on me so heavily for utility that they’ve dubbed any enemy abilities they never even realized were there until they try to PUG or lead other guildies through a key without me and get murdered by it, “Lokka mechanics.”

That sucks cause Warrior is one of my fallback classes that pretty much always feel good to me.

Regardless of the balance, they rarely mess up the class fantasy of “hit stuff in the face really hard”. At least for me.

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That would require them to actually pay attention to shaman enough to delete the code that lets you make one.

This needs to continued to be bumped 2-3 times a day until shaman, specifically ele shaman, is vastly improved. I genuinely don’t know why ele is brought to a raid or group in this game.

It very rarely is in serious content. In Season 3 it was months before ele even had parses on the last 3 bosses of mythic Amirdrassil.

Shaman doesn’t need any updates it is good as is.