So no more shaman changes?

Happy you have an opinion, only thing I said is that you’re wrong. We are entitled to disagree as well.

My name? Fear? Dawg all I want are shaman changes…. Stop it with this nonsense.

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It’s Tiffany, she will defend whatever slop Blizzard puts out, regardless of the context. Why even engage?

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It’s wild to me that you are still at this. Your input on the matter has been at best dismissive, at worst combative, and always completely wrong. So, you must be a troll. Can’t personally put myself into the headspace of finding that the least bit enjoyable.

You completely misunderstood ‘total silence,’ you made it about you and your weird transmog desires (chef kiss,) and then you start trotting out a bit of a certain streamer.

Whether you agree or not, Blizzard’s handling of shaman has been unacceptably poor. If the problem is no one is on deck to do the work, at least say that. But to not say anything while their talent trees are a mess and somethings just plain old don’t work. Or worse to come out with one line about healing stream totem? That’s BS.


You’re right, is just baffling to read that Blizzard probably gave up on shamans because is not a popular class :joy:

Ohhh Tiffany…

…what? Feel free to quote the buff, but a lot of us are talking about going into TWW with no real chnages and mid Hero Talents.

Been testing and watching videos and in pvp…. Basically you can’t do any dmg because you spend most maelstrom wep stacks to heal yourself. Sucks, ele still cancelling tempest when it procs and we know nothing about when or if we fixing hero talents.

Yeah, that’s nice. Doesn’t even touch on the reasons we need paid class changes though. I don’t think we should have to give up years of work on a character or the absurd time sink that was DF professions due to incompetence or class favoritism. That is all.

Shaman hasn’t even been my main in a long time but if they delete the class it will be my second MMORPG I’ve quit because of a class being deleted.

What mmo deleted a class? Don’t recall any.

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Who deleted a shaman?

And if you dont play it, why do you care?

Elf players are the Taylor swift fans of wow.

Dam nothing today either…. All seems lost :disappointed:

Enh shaman is so bad that even bugged with broken abilities, it struggles to beat others.

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SWG did.

No one, didn’t say they did.

But if is doing a lot of work there.

I do play the class, it just isn’t my main. Also, I thoroughly dislike deleting of much of anything in games such as MMORPGS but can over look some, understand others again but if they do I’ll quit.

The hero talents are fun