So no cat mount in LFR and now the achievement has changed

Is this one of those cases though? I come at the slime cat situation from a different angle. For 3 months the achieve led people to believe “all difficulties” meant all difficulties. This was a mistake on Blizz’s side. Whether you believe the lfr crowd is undeserving because they don’t want to do the normal+ raiding is irrelavent to the situation imo. Instead of stealth fixing the achievement, Blizzard needs to address this issue. They messed up and they need to address the community they disappointed. They created the outcry, they need to fix it. This is basic customer service 101.

Imagine getting this triggered over a higher requirement for a reward. It is still literally accessible to everyone, if anything just at the requirement of a little more effort. At least the “bUt ThE iN gAmE aChIeVeMeNt TeXt” has nothing to stand on anymore? Lol.


Ah yes, anxiety. That is the root of my disabilities. If only I could just overcome that, then I’d be cured.

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“Why are you depressed? Just be happy!”

“Normal raiding is easy, just give it a go!”

“You are not trying hard enough.”

“Just read a guide, it’s easy bro.”


OK when ahead and cancel my account because of the Slime cats only when money speaks I guess I hope with Microsoft takes over things change

I’m tired of the victim complex too. Frankly I’m fine with them leaving and taking their poor entitled attitude with them.

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Let’s see no more rating you get kicked for when you die no more rating it takes hours to get into a group that you may have already done a boss for normal rating you get kicked why do it I like Lfr the only thing under stand is money and we control the money

So what? How much of their life planning and mental preparations have these people been doing about a future reward they might get that it is shaking them to the core to have the requirements be raised??

“Oh woe is me! I have spent three long months losing sleep over excitement to queue my LFR runs and obtain the legendary slime kitty! I have thought of nothing else, prepared for nothing else, dreamt of nothing else! Now, my dreams and life aspirations have been ripped too far beyond my grasp! Where will I now seek meaning for my existence?!?!”

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There are far more casual players in this game than not, none of us will be fine when they all cancel their subs and leave, we all need the casual crowds subs to keep this game running.

Look at what happened the last time they pulled the rug out, WOD and the whole no flying debacle, we are in the exact same situation here, Blizzard not telling us the truth from the start, keeping players subbed with the assumption nothing will change and now LFR (and probably other) players are starting to unsub, get enough to unsub and they will be forced to make a change and bring this mount into LFR.

It’s a small team, doing a filler season with no new content (mount already existed from contest, title, teleports) that only real challenge was to balance new old dungeons. It’s too late to make up a new reward. It’s too late to switch it back if it was coded from the start to be in normal, which I choose to believe was the case.

I would be dumbfounded if they caved.

Make normal the new LFR then have a raid finder in it and no one get kick from dying I had that experience of I die and got kick because if it

If you buy a cake at the store and the cake says it was chocolate and you bite into it and it’s vanilla, you’d ask for a refund wouldn’t you? Or expect the store to do something for you?

Except you could never acquire the cat from LFR, it was changed prior to live so your analogy is irrelevant.

Using your analogy, it would be more like : Oh damn, we don’t have a chocolate cake, do you mind if it’s vanilla?

If you do, just don’t buy it.

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What do you mean?

Also if it’s just pixels, why do you care if LFR gets it?

Lol! I highly doubt there was a covert conspiracy by Blizzard to dupe casual players with a mount. You’re talking nonsense now.

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I mean, you’ll see that cat in 9.2.5. It’s gone in 10.0. Do you see the tree in Zereth Mortis? I think not.

And yeah it’s pixels. So you shouldn’t care if it’s a reward from normal+. There should be a distinct reward from LFR sure. But there is none. The cat being in normal is irrelevant to that fact. I’d rather normal have a reward if it’s between lfr and normal.

I’m getting it either way. :man_shrugging:

I see the tree mount alot. I use it!

So am I. :slight_smile:

I did mind, which is why I unsubbed.

Yeah of course you use a ground locked mount in a fly zone.

If that was your point of no return, you had a foot in the door already.

When I didn’t have flying I used it!