Doesn’t appeal to me at all, but I hope those who are looking forward to it enjoy it.
If its anything like the Beta I’ve watched streamers playing eons ago, It will be really really bad.
I expect it to be a moderately okay game. It will probably sell but fail to meet Amazon’s grandiose expectations. Due to that they will pull resources and move them to a new project. The game will eventually fail due to lack of updates.
Never buy the first product/service iteration from Amazon.
It will follow the exact same cycle that all games follow at this point… The first month will show amazing revenue for the first quarter… but the second quarter will see anywhere from 30-60% drop off in game revenue.
Game will be good because this will keep away scrubs without Amazon Prime!
I have zero interest in a game with armor that makes me look Amish.
I think that it will be an okay game. I played in alpha and it felt pretty decent - I’m sure plenty of things have changed since I tried it out.
Combat is more engaging than the boring standard tab-lock and same ol’ rotation that is WoW / FFXIV / other MMOs. It is action combat style, so you actually have to look at what you are fighting / dodge / aim / etc instead of just watching the little squares on your screen and pressing wack-a-mole. You can also switch weapons around based on what is best for the fight at the time.
Gathering feels better, even if it is similar to other MMOs.
Crafting is MUCH more in-depth, meaningful, and relevant. You can make custom gear with different stats / item levels / bonuses / etc. based on what materials you use.
Probably why they have delayed the New World release date multiple time
It will blow up at the start, due to hype. Then fizzle. Not completely out since Amazon has pockets in their pockets to spend the money, but it all comes down to how dedicated they are.
Since it isn’t the Rings game I though we were getting, I have zero interest in it.
I know they are different universes but seeing people playing New World it seems like it would feel very much like ESO. Realism based graphics instead of WoW’s fantasy style. Similar-ish combat to ESO.
Honestly though I had to laugh when I read this about thegame, "Most important is the precious Azoth, a strange blue substance that seems to be magic given form. "
No way am I logging into New World to farm up Azoth. You gotta be kidding me.
But anyways, the crafting and weapon mastery looks interesting I suppose. Hard for me to imagine the game pulling away both WoW and FFXIV fans at this point let alone pulling people from ESO or GW2. Maybe New World is trying to tap a new market for MMOs? I don’t know, seems like it’ll fizzle out to me as yet another MMO.
Idk I’m quite content with WoW at the moment. Sure there’s some bad stuff and downsides, but I’ll muddle through.
Getting into another MMORPG doesn’t seem too appealing. As for other games, got stuff like Valheim that can take some time away for week or two.
I’m only looking forward to the 50vs50. (Favorite part of GW2 for me was WvW. I enjoyed other aspects of the game but mainly played for WvW.) The game seems a bit bland to me otherwise. Read a tiny bit of it, I guess it doesn’t have specific classes, for some reason I am not digging that. Will see how it goes tho.
Ya need that big event with masses to actually give that MMO feel. ** cough cough ** What SLs is sorely lacking.
Doesn’t look to have any different races nor customization. Seems like a MMO version of Valheim. Not really into it.
If any game doesn’t impress you with its trailer, then they might as well give it up.
100% agree with this.
There’s no other way to look at this. It’s like trading one cage for another because the other one is getting rusty.
Depends on if you’re a prime member.
Judging from when they let people play it and streamers were streaming it, it looked horrible. The game play to combat to pretty much everything. Plus, Amazon already shut down their fps game like what, 1-2 months of it being live? I know they spent a year since developing the game, but it isn’t going to make a dent in WoW let alone some of the other popular mmos.
And to let you know, you don’t need to use the term “WoW killer” anymore because no mmo will kill WoW. Sounds like you are disappointed too. Why not just move on then if you really need to see a WoW killer?
The only MMO that may have potential to be a decent mmo is the LoL mmo since they are good developers.
I can’t wait to ask all the players who said it’s the real WoW killer why they are still playing WoW instead of the real WoW killer. Already got a list saved up ready to ask.
My hope is New World is great and develops a lot of buzz as more mainstream MMO games would be healthy for the MMO community as a whole
If the combat is still looking like a mobile game with its input buffering – its gonna be DOA.