I’l forgive for any bias their might be in their way. And i will admit, there are times when the other side does have comments that aren’t really helpful either that does escape me sometimes. And i will admit i can be biased sometimes, i’m not immune to that. In attempts of having a neutral opinion, i can see how it can be seen as bias. I’l cop to those mistakes.
For one, i’m against namecalling here, and this applies everybody here. So while i’m against you guys calling people “whiners, crybabys kill joys, karens, carebears,” etc and fill in the blank, i’m also against people calling “sociopaths, psychopaths, murderers, trolls” or even “griefers”. I think that is going even further then those the subset of pro-event people who call people “whiners”. That is stuping to their level and not rising above it. Let it alone, namecalling really doesn’t serve a point in your arguments. I don’t rely on that. It’s silly
Another, i do try and even understand what the pro-event community’s arguments are saying and guess what? i agree with some of them. Heck, i even said that the zombies need to be more powerful and buff and balanced to be a fair ghouls/players… multiple times infact, and yet i never seen you ever commenting on it.
Hell, i even made this comment, also multiple times (correct me if i’m wrong on that, i think i have, maybe it’s on the same thread).
Doesn’t that tell you that i have the capacity to understand your side and even agree some with your guys points? I even had fun with this event, twice. Also said multiple times. Yet you never comment on that.
Heck, i wasn’t 100% against the event to begin with. I think it was fun the first time around, but i can understand it can be annoying without an opt out button.
What honestly baffles me and why i am …“Biased” i guess and responding to the subset of pro-eventers, is how this simple request to opt out (not asking for it to be removed or nerf) is somehow an attack on your event and that means i 100% hate it. Not to mention the contradictory/hypocritical/double standard/inconsistancies, all that jazz they say when i point out to them and they say they aren’t.
Heck, you did the same thing to me with this comment here.
…You dislike the event now, so i tell you to take your own advice, that “if you don’t like it, just log off”, because that’s what you told me because you think i dislike the event (even though i had fun) and actually believed in. Yet you don’t even take your own advice, probably because i think you wern’t expecting your argument was gonna be used against you?
“Log off if you don’t like the event! stop changing this event!” And then turn around and say “This event sucks, change it blizzard!” . You can claim your complaints are legit, but all criticism or opinions are allowed and valid, regardless if you think their legit or not.
While on the subject of feedback, i’m somehow forced flagged off of warmode and that is just from flying over a city. Though the event is on a time cycle.
And second, the infect range for those roaches are way too far. I one shotted them with a Concentrated flame atfer giving my self quite a bit of a distance away, about 20 years at most and i still got insta turned into a zombie. How does that make any sense? I even tried it again on the roof and the same thing happened. Even after they evaded me after i hit them on the roof. I don’t think that’s suppose to happen. Granted they are neutral, and i guess that is an incentive for attacking them, but i can’t help but to imagine some poor unlucky mage or even hunter accidentally pulling them 40 yards away and still getting infected.