So much for tanks in rbgs

note: I don’t mind Tanks in RBGs. I don’t really care for them, but I’m ok with them in Blitz. I will take a deserter debuff and CR loss as fair payment to get out of a solo match with tanks.

It’s been interesting to see the difference between RBG and BGB meta in regards to tanks. Guardians have been the kings of RBGs for a few expansions now due to their mobilty, tankiness, and ability to play boomkin on non-tank maps. I went into BGB thinking guardian would still be a valid choice, but that’s been proven very wrong.

  1. You can’t specify both tank and dps for every match in a way that if you queue into a non FC map, you have no ability to adjust spec once zoned in to boomkin to be more effective.
  2. MWs are so insanely good at FCing, given their mobility and some of the nuances of FC maps (stack building time), that guardian is unnecessary.

The tank I see having the most impact lately is blood DK, and that’s more of a foil. Holding healers hostage, slowing FC offensive teams, just overall being a nasty tarpit with strong survivability.

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I love your passion for how good you think tanks can be in theory, but there’s a reason you see almost none at the highest ratings. Apart from blood dk which can just trade itself for an enemy player, I would always rather have another dps on my team at high mmr. These things you’re mentioning work against lower players because they just don’t have the capability to outplay or think outside the box in general so they sit there padding on tanks

Ill break these down individually.

  • Killrehx has been trying to abuse vengeance dh capping for years now. Its completely predictable and only works against people who don’t understand how this works.
  • Blood dk is the only tank that I agree is “good”. However, it makes the game completely unfun. Glogan aka healerstealr has been playing blood for multiple expansions, and his team used to play double blood dk. The entire goal being to prevent the enemy team from playing and having fun. Awful for the game.
  • Magic bop capping for prot pally got removed multiple expansions ago, so if its in the game again its most certainly an oversight on Blizzards behalf. Either way its nearly irrelevant because every rogue in the game can do the exact same thing with cloak.
  • Prot war does not have the best roots in the game, that belongs to frost mage. They can be applied at 40 yard range, also have ice nova which doesnt DR with other roots. Also has knocks, rings, ice walls, while doing infinitely more damage.

And your point about “tanks havent been the best fcs for awhile now”
Its just not true. BG Blitz is the first time since Warlords of Draenor and burst of speed rogue that tanks have not been the FC. And id almost guarantee they would reclaim that throne if evoker and mw monk fc’ing capabilities were looked at a bit.


WoW is the only game with this opinion. Serious PvP games build around Tanks as they are the foundation of PvP. WoW should try to take PvP more seriously and balance around Tanks and the other Class roles.


Honestly, most tanks feel like dead weight on my team.

It takes one dps to keep them out of the game on flag maps.
You don’t necessarily need to kill them.
DPS with the flag buff works fine and feels more fun in general.

On base maps they spin a base forever, but they can’t kill anything.
You have one less dps which is a massive loss when it comes to killing someone in a team fight with two healers.

All they really do is slow things down.

Might not be a tank issue, it could just be fury is broken af.

People hate tanks on pvp mostly because 1x1 situations, but don’t say anything abou healers, which are tankier and some cases do even more dmg thn dps specs.

A well played tank help the team as much as a healer, most tanks are useless now because of narrow minded people crying all the time and blizz being lazy refusing to balance them properly and people.


Hye man thanks for not touching an orb once and standing AFK in mid the entire Kotmogu that we drew because I hard carried you on my back with 462 points, you are a pathetic loser.

Thank you! I love tanking. Been playing Prot Paladin as Main in PvP since '09. Right now it feels like Pally is at the bottom of the Heap with regard to tanks, but I’m still having fun! I may have to try Prot Warrior though…

I have a Warrior I haven’t played in years. He was Fury back in WoD… any suggestions? Thanks again!

See you on the Battleground :wink:

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Ugh… More of this bullcrap…

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Yea Prot War is in a great spot overall. Probably the most damage/burst of the Tanks. Has a lot of utility that feels good for you and your team. I’m playing mountain thane which just feels super smooth to play and really fun with all the lightning and Aoe. Think Prot War has the most variety in talents to find something that fits your playstyle.


Right on. So, I assume you are Abombanation… I will likely do some copying :wink: I’m also on Bleeding Hollow, but Horde side.



Yea my current set up is for WPvP and Blitz. Still testing some things, enchants, stats. Like I said though you have room for agency to build something that works for you.


Question regarding race. My current Warrior is a 39 Undead. What Horde race would you suggest? (I really prefer Horde nowadays… I saw too much of Stormwind years ago, lol) I may just make a new toon and use my 60 boost. That’ll give me 20 levels to get used to playing a Warrior again… Thanks!

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I switched to human in WoD because it was a big deal for Prot and Glad stance back then due too double dps socketed trinket choices. I never switched since.

Sometimes I think about Kul tiran and we also have Dracthyr coming. I’m not sure if I will switch. I don’t think it is a massive deal anymore like it used to be. Comes down to some preference and how you like to build your character. Some people will play gnome just for esape artist.

So in the end it’s up to you if you prefer Horde I don’t think you are wrong and missing out massively on anything at this time.

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Fury is def not “over-the-top” BUT tanks definitely feeling gimped in BGs.

Wait for November, race change to Dracthyr. They will be able to stay in their visage (Blood Elf model) form at all times.

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lol fury warriors are spittin a little…and a bear tank wants us to feel a little bad after dominating Rbgs for three xpacs. Bear tank self heals, damage and immunities makes me lawl
Tanks are where they are supposed to be it’s just that you e been playing a class stuck in god mode


I don’t know about that, i’m felling like a god in BGs as Prot War, can’t be killed by less thn 3+ people, very disruptive with 3 stuns, roots, aoe fear, aoe slows, reduce party dmg taken, 3 charges and the dmg is not that bad, 1m shield charges and 1.2m+ executes are common.


Now that it’s possible, let’s discuss… I do not know much about Dracthyr abilities. (I made one in DF but barely made it out of the starting area because I just didn’t care for Evokers at the time…)

As a BG Tank, what does Dracthyr bring to the table for Prot Warrior?