So, MoP remix, seems like a bit of a bust

Looks like they’re trying to fix it, maybe.

… what are you even on about? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Forum MVPs are here to assist people with information about the game. They aren’t a line to the dev team. Community Council is useless and always has been, not because they can do something, but because Blizzard doesn’t care about their existence.

Who seriously blames regular players for Blizz problems??

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What needs to happen is they either need to undo the frog farm nerf. Buff the stat gains from threads and buff the amount of bronze you gain to allow people to catch up. With the final idea being to nerf the cost of upgrades with bronze, and cap cloaks at a set amount to even the playing field.

Blizzard dropped the ball again on this, and have been extremely slow to fix any of it.

yeah that was the idea of “remix” feeling OP …with the new powers and the cloak 70’s in 360 should feel OP as hell…yet feels waay worse than original pandaria lol

I mean the goat farm is much slower in comparison to the frog farm, I tried it for a little but the bronze and thread gains from it are atrociously slow in comparison to the nerfed frog farm.

Bro, its been like what, less than a week since remix launch? BFA dungeon scaling was broken for 3 years which affected new players the most. That’s what extremely slow to fix is.

I’ll just leave this here…

Has any of this been fixed yet? I’d like to try it, but I am not relishing the thought of scaling to the point where I get more squishy the higher level I get.

Okay, but that culminated into pretty much a nothing burger, with a side of not fixing much in the end. It doesn’t solve the issue of players having a huge advantage over others that were able to frog farm. As part of it too was they got a ton of bronze from all those boxes they opened, in addition to all the cloak power.

Scenarios are still a struggle, I tried for a few minutes to get into a normal or LFR raid and was being denied due to my low cloak stats and the fact that I’m level 70. They don’t seem to have retroactvily given bronze to the players so fat that completed achievments before all these changes went live.

Blizzard has simply been outputting a lot of gilded words and “fixes” to the event, that simply don’t do much when you look at it in comparison to what it was like pre-nerf. They need to revert the frog change honestly, buff bronze gains by a significant amount, or just nerf the cost of everything. Given that’s the primary issue right now, the methods to obtain bronze are locked behind bad scaling, along with encouraging you to simply reroll characters for the event given its much easier to do the content at a lower level than a higher one, which is very backwards.

I’m playing Remix to level alts for gold making in TWW and also to grab some mounts, toys, and pets. My experience has been fun. I did encounter some odd scaling on particular mobs (Wildscale Herbalist’s Wrath was doing 50k and I had 150k health) and Heroic Dark Heart of Azeroth was off but otherwise I’ve had no issues.

I understand other people are playing for different reasons and having a miserable time. If I were trying to do max level content and upgrade gear I would just put the game mode away for a bit until Blizzard fixes scaling and bronze or comes out and says this grind is intentional (at which point just don’t play the game mode anymore).

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Yup, I’ve decided.yo put the mode down until they do a couple rounds of hot fixes, I have plenty of get what I want.

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I believe they said characters who reach Max level will transfer out at around 415 ilvl for prepatch

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If they want these level 70 characters to be even remotely competitive for end of Dragonflight/start of War Within, ilvl 485 would be better. Yeesh. I mean, might as well give them the basic welfare/pity level gear that one can currently obtain in retail.

Yep, once again Blizzard decided an agonizing grind is the way to go.

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Everyone I’ve talked to liked it at first and once they got to 70 say if something doesn’t change fast they’re just going to quit.


Nah, Emerald Dream questline gives you 424 gear. There’s no way Remix characters would be given 415.

Have an example:
Place a single toe into one of Huolon’s massive AoE pools as a fresh 70, die instantly to 5x your entire health bar in damage.

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I’ve already given up. The amount of bronze needed to upgrade gear is so overwhelmingly daunting that I’m just picking up what little I can here and there, grabbing the few cosmetics/mounts that appeal to me and maybe trying to do the same with another alt for a few more cosmetics.

I don’t want to raid. Full Stop. But I have to do every raid on normal at least once if I want to unlock accessory slots… which I am told are not account wide unlocks so that throws any notion of accessories on alts out the window.

This whole event sounded great on paper but the implementation is just a massive grindy slog whose novelty has worn off after only a few days and a single character making it to 70 then bricked in completing the necessary achievement to unlock the class weapons because the To The Skies scenario is borked.

  • Item upgrades should cost a tiny fraction of what they currently do.
  • The cloak stats should be 1 for 1 between characters if you have all the Infinite Power achievements. What’s point of getting xp buffs to a lvl 70’s cloak if they don’t pass down to alts?
  • Accessories should be account wide unlocks considering that you’re basically forced to raid to complete them.
  • LFR should count for the achievements requiring raiding.
  • Rares should be less “rare” considering you need them to finish certain achievements to unlock purchases.

The issue with the To The Skies scenario has basically made me shelve remix until its fixed. I can’t get what I want without that achievement and I’m not of a mind to do anything else until I get that particular thing done. Maybe I’m being stubborn but this is supposed to be my time for entertainment and relaxation. Instead I’m treated to frustration and a daunting mountain of bronze I’m expected to collect, and the biggest source (raids) is the activity I enjoy the least. So basically Plunderstorm was a big let down cause pvp not fun for me, and now Remix is turning out to be a big let down cause it’s raid/grind or die.


Of course its intentional. Look at the design decisions:

  • a huge number of transmog, toys, mounts etc available, some of which are extremely expensive via the Bronze currency.
  • gear that is improved using the same currency for the above item purchases.
  • distribution of Bronze is generally a dribble feed.
  • any means of getting it faster is nerfed.

= the only way to get what most players want (the purchasable items) is to grind, for hour after hour.


Yeah I’m stuck between making a new toon to try and play with the whacky power scaling, or to simply get the things I really want and shelve the mode until they do some better tuning and improve bronze acquisition. I am leaning towards just doing the area achievements that award the transmogs and golden serpent mount, and shelving it.