So, MoP remix, seems like a bit of a bust

After hitting max level, I discovered the massive wall that greets you in that you essentially are weaker in comparison to lower level characters because of the scaling. The scaling seems to work off of having high level gear, but to obtain that gear means you have to spend hours of pure grinding. In which the most effective method discovered so far got nerfed, with a wimpy buff to bronze being added to the caches.

This event honestly feels like I’m playing retail, the grind feels the same, it feels like I’m simply re-gearing a character from square one, except it’s worse because of how you obtain gear. Given it seems that raids, dungeons, and scenarios don’t drop gear, just bronze, threads, and gems. Which means that you have to painfully bring up the gear you got from questing to be able to start to stand on par with raids at max level.

It’s gotten to be such an issue as well that people have been kicked from raids for basically being above level 60 because their simply a hinderance to the raid, over a boon.

I also have yet to see the goofy nature that was supposed to be part of this event, other than when I was leveling, now that I’ve hit max I again just feel super weak because the scaling is non existent.

At this point I have decided to do the achievements that reward toys, cosmetics, titles, and mounts on a new character, and put the game mode away. Unless they do some drastic tuning to the mode, this just isn’t much fun if you don’t enjoy grinding away, which a lot of people don’t seem to enjoy.


Scaling is gonna kill Remix unless Blizzard does something about it.

The more players get 1-shot, and the more reach 70, the more folks are just gonna put the game down.


Level 70s with proper gems and talents are indeed doing less damage and taking more damage relative to random lowbies.

I though that by getting to level 70 and getting all the important achievements done quicker, it would help by allowing me to earn epic threads and jewelry/trinket pieces, but it was apparently a huge mistake not to farm frogs all weekend.

Now it’s too late to catch up with the frog farmers who are gatekeeping the best sources of Bronze and other power sources.


What we need to be asking is…seriously…why is this happening?! This is not a bug, fluke…this nonsense was decided.

Funny how the green/yellow peeps ain’t saying anything. We must not be saying the right buzzwords. They are all up in some threads but when it comes to a serious matter…nope. Pls remove these activist, kthx. They don’t care about gaming.


One thing to add is doing the post MSQ patches gives rewards significantly slower because I’m imagining in the past they gave meaningful gear but the bronze reward remains the same.

So it feels more of a slog.

But intentionally also putting myself in a different boat, would I bother with MoP endgame if they never added this? No

After starting in SL, I haven’t touched any endgame except SLs and Legion (which is very cool). BfA stuff looks nice but I’d like to see what it was like with corruption power.

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It’s a bust for me because dungeons don’t feel so good to do. I’m healing them and I’m getting a lot of tanks that can’t hold aggro and/or get 1 shot on pull. If I blink the tank dies.

I inspect them and they are not gemming for armor. WoW players don’t understand the value of Armor, it’s almost like a ghost stat in Retail. Having it be important in Panda Remix is funny to me.

How hard is it for the tanks to gem Armor? They’re literally gemming everything BUT Armor lmao.

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They took the old diablo 4 scaling and put it here for some reason.


Its a side mode to get cosmetics and do alt leveling

Its not supposed be to be serious.

Theres 90 days left in it to.


Hm, I’m not max level yet but I’m having fun c: I enjoy collecting bronze and going through Pandaria because the world is so beautiful and the characters are fun.

Collecting new spells and cool abilities, along with the awesome cloak and being able to fly at a low level. It’s amazing :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


Just wait. I enjoyed it right up until level 60 where I started to notice I was drastically losing strength every level, and then running into the brick wall that is Level 70’s scaling and the insane cost of upgrading your gear.

You are quite literally more powerful as a Level 25 with half the tinker gems and only green +stat gems than you are as a fresh Level 70 with all Tinker gems and Epic/Legendary stat gems with trinkets and rings. It’s crazy.

I’m glad you’re having fun, but I worry it won’t last. It didn’t for me - I was really excited at the idea of boosting one toon into the stratosphere and farming a bunch of bronze while feeling immortal but instead I have to choose between buying every ReMoP exclusive mount or upgrading all my items by one level each. Genuinely, it’ll cost about the same. And I’m 100% picking the mounts, but that means I’m never going to be able to become super powerful and since I didn’t farm frogs for the first 3 days (my friend did and he has 1.5 million bronze now and can buy every mount AND level up all his gear to max) but instead did quests and achievements (which are now buffed slightly but not retroactively) there’s no hope of ever catching up.

So, now instead of trying to get stronger and try to push the limits of these new characters and gems, I’m just gonna buy the exclusive cosmetics and dip out. It’s a shame because I was quite hyped for this mode but the reality is super disappointing.


Scaling is a bit of an issue, yeah. Hopefully they address it in a timely fashion.


I don’t mind that people farmed frogs.

What I do mind is that unless I do it the “Blizzard Way” of farming bronze…it’s going to take hundreds of hours that I don’t have to accomplish their marketed “overpowered” feelings that frog farmers currently enjoy.

Hundreds of hours for a 90 day event that I maybe get an hour per day. I can’t even start to enjoy end game based upon their power gain / play metrics.


And yet scaling has been in WoW for a long time - many of us complained when this was introduced in BFA. Why is it coming up again now, is it just excessive compared to retail or what? Because it’s always felt bad to lose power as you level up…

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If that is the only viable option, kill many frogs like Carman in South Park killed boars until he got even fatter, then yeah, it’s failed.

That’s putting it mildly.


this is exactly what i thought and felt

leveling up = i do less damage and im weaker

it sucks tbh

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Because in dragonflight you dont really feel that effect. You lvl to 60 where everything scales to you, sure a lvl 15 might kill faster than your lvl 57, but you dont really feel that much. Once your in DF the feeling goes away almost entirely, especially once your 70 and get the gear that rains from the sky.

It sounds like in mists remix it is a really hard wall where suddenlh things you could kill easy are extremely hard to kill once you are 70. Idk how valid that is since im only 35ish right now. Ive been taking my time.

Lvl 70 shouldnt feel weaker though, and if scaling is that broken it should be addressed.


Blizz decided a fresh 70 should be extremely weak and a hinderance to their group.

You could climb out of the hole and gain power through grinding dungeons and raids but it’s tough to do when low level players instantly kick level 70s


I can attest to that. Saw it quite a bit the last two days running dungeons.
level 15 tank is 80k+ while 50+ level characters were less than 20k. Much less… lol


This is exactly what happened in BFA when scaling got introduced…there was a really bad period of time after hitting max level but before getting gear where the game felt terrible. Sounds like it’s working as intended (only half joking) with Remix. Maybe it feels worse because people seem to be complaining that gearing is really slow at 70 (wouldn’t know, have no plans to play it). But this is nothing new in WoW, really.

I know that scaling was meant to solve some problems but it absolutely created others. Whether or not there’s a good way to implement it I don’t know, but if there is one Blizz sure hasn’t yet figured out how to avoid that unpleasant power drop at max level.