So, MoP remix, seems like a bit of a bust

I don’t know if it’s a bust but it definitely highlights the problems of forcing various gamemodes into said game without addressing underlying issues the game has had for years.


Yea, I don’t feel like this is bust. But I haven’t level maxed yet either so that may change. But the devs seem to have done it again with their marketing of an event. They say and imply one thing and deliver another. I’m not sure why this event couldn’t have just been one big loot pinata. But for whatever reason they just can’t do it. They just seem to overthink stuff like this.

And this whole scaling thing has been a bust form the beginning. I remember in Legion, there was a point that it was so out of whack that people were taking gear off to make it easier to kill stuff.

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Outside of raids, is there any reason to upgrade your gear in Remix? Will it matter/carry over to TWW? Only asking for my own personal preference as I don’t raid but I do run dungeons and scenerios time to time. I wasn’t going to waste bronze on upgrading and it sounds like raids aren’t a fun explosive blast they made it sound it was going to be, basically people wiping the floor with the raid, so even less of a reason for me to care about them. I do feel bad about those of you who love raiding though…hopefully it gets corrected sooner rather than later so you guys can enjoy this again. :confused:

It’s not just raids though unfortunately.

At max level you’ll start getting one shot in dungeons and scenarios as well, so you’ll also have to massively grind/upgrade your armor to even be remotely able to do those.


never should’ve had the gear upgrading vendors. why is a fun event just another gear treadmill?
why are the raids balanced around this treadmill instead of it just allowing you to streamroll stuff, you instead need them to do said raids?
why aren’t we overpowered unless we’re level 10 or did the frog farm?


Damn, that stinks. I dinged 70 pretty late last night so wasn’t doing anything besides questing. I guess I’ll just stick to doing questing achievs for now and level an alt also and maybe run some things with them before I get to 60. Hopefully this gets corrected asap. I don’t want to waste bronze upgrading when it seems like that doesn’t do much anyway. :confused:


We’re not OP.
Leveling doesn’t really feel that fast compared to retail
Scaling is miserable.

Where is literally anything Blizzard advertised?

And frog farmers should have had their gains removed, to level the playing field between them and those of us who didn’t do the degenerate crap.


Shortly before you hit 70 run some heroics to get blue gear.

At 70, spend your initial bronze leveling your weapon first, the. heroic gear pieces. You have to have all your equipped gear within one rank of each other though. Green gear doesn’t have primary stat on it. If you can get raid drops, even better. Focus on those.

In between queues, do mob farms to level your cloak. You’ll need to devote some time to filling out cloak stats to get back into the grind at 70. Especially for tanks, otherwise bosses just melt you in heroics.

This is only an issue for a few days while you focus on cloak upgrades. You shouldn’t be questing much at 70 unless you want the achieves and those rewards. The boxes don’t drop any usable gear after 346 Ilvl from what I’ve seen.

I’m full 360 on my equipped pieces and I feel like I did at 60 again.

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Frog farms could have been one of several farms. It’s any outdoor content with good mob density or forced respawns.

Forced respawns are in several places in the overworld btw. Even in retail there are several of these locations. It’s required to not bottleneck the leveling or questing experience.

There will be a period of time where you have to progress your character through a mob farm, either naturally while you quest and dungeon (slow) or through aoes in one of these areas (faster).

I’m sure several of these spots will be hit, but they are plentiful enough to where I think they’ll just knock a few down a peg and leave the rest alone.

Won’t disagree about frog farmers being an issue since, yes, the nature of our community will be to prioritize the people who got the farm in over anyone leveling behind the curve. I played all weekend but didn’t farm frogs because even back in actual Mists I hated doing that, it was very boring. I regret it now, learning just how powerful those people got and knowing I will never come close no matter how hard I try.

Other issues popping up

  1. For a 90 day event the cost of gear upgrades is prohibitively expensive. I think most people want to grab the cosmetics they can actually carry over into retail but to really start farming those you first need to drop all your bronze on gear upgrades. This means focusing on one character, not enjoying alts. Speaking of alts…

  2. Cloak power is not directly inherited by an alt. Alts will have 100% boost and then can raise it further from there. Not terrible but it does feel silly especially if we have to prioritize a main to actually get gear.

  3. Raid lockouts. Last night I attempted to do Throne of Thunder but we had to quit at Durumu because we lost a healer at Ji-Kun. Even shuffling our raid around so that our new player could be healer, tank or dps we could not get a new group member because every. single. applicant. was raid locked. Anyone applying to a group this far in was someone who still needed Durumu and forward but that meant they were people who had already done some of the raid and now couldn’t come back. After waiting an hour we just called it.

I do want to note that I am having fun! I’m looking forward to playing more tonight. But some things could definitely be smoothed out.

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Because many players aren’t used to having to do mechanics. There are people even claiming that there are 1 shot unavoidable mechanics in normal Shado-Pan Monastery from trash mobs yet nobody can say what they are.

Skill issue.

The personal raid lockout thing was incredibly dumb and foreseeable. It makes the loss of a player from a raid a much more punishing thing, and a raid collapse into something that just ends your ability to engage the content that day.

Just a terrible idea.

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It’s still fun.
But issues with scaling (and I’m still annoyed about how the cloak works with alts) turns this event from something that was supposed to keep my engaged up until TWW pre-patch, to probably 3-4 weeks.

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The frog farmed cloak is going to break the event.

People are fuffed if they missed it.


Gotta say I was hyped when they announced Remix.

Within a week of that I was thinking it was going to be kind of meh.

After a week of it being out I’m glad I haven’t bothered based on the reviews that have rolled in. Hopefully they fix things for the people that have been let down by it but I wouldn’t hold my breath.


No, the frogs dropped the Lesser Charms of Good Fortune that can be traded in for loot boxes, which is why they were such a high-pace farm. Farming regular mobs, even in a hyper-spawn, will not yield the same results.

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I’ll be able to buy all the rewards I truly want by hitting max and possibly leveling another character.

Frogs were by far the best (not disputing that), but that style of gameplay is what I meant. There is always going to be a “farm.”

They could have knocked the frog farm down a peg in several ways instead.

Goats is all over LFG now, I wonder if they’ll hit that next.

This event is a scam. a team of 70s in blue 360ish gear should be able to just unga bunga their way through every normal raid in under 30 minutes or so. instead, we all die horribly and do piss poor damage. So much for using this event to get the tusks of mannoroth.


I mean the only reason i was doing it was for the legendary cloak effects toy but apparently its only visable to the player using said toy… so my legendary capes are still useless…

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