For some reason I read that mentally in a Cardi B voice.
Could be both. Heavy industrial pollution can produce some horrible birth defects.
Allied Races have never been “Races”; they’re all just different cultures/sub-cultures of the Core race for the most part. By all indications, JunkerGnomes are a subgroup of Gnomes that evolved largely independently from the Gnomergon faction (and thus shifted towards a cultural obsession with their MechaGnome progenitors … and began exploring ways to get closer to that existence).
Junker’s are actually functionally pretty well put together. They aren’t lazy by any stretch, there is clear effort put into them (not just their appearance, but to some degree their culture and civilization). They also provide LONG overdue attention and content for one of the THE most neglected PC races in this game (Gnomes); which was really needed (I can be happy for Gnome Players).
Honestly, many of the same people complaining about the Junkers being “lazy” or a “waist of an AR” would have absolutely NO issues if the literal pallet swaps that are the High Elves were a proposed Allied Race; what pisses them off is that they are Gnomes … little else. They also oversell what Vulpera are to make their point (seriously folks, Vulpera are just updated Goblin rigs with tails … thats it. They are only a “New Race” on surface traits, and their current lore is rather shallow).
I have no idea… but I know what I’m doing after raid tonight!
My issue (“issue” is bit strong but cant think of a better word rn) is one i’ve had with a some of the other races as well.
Zandalari, Dark Iron, and Nightborne all feel like distinct races to me. Unique culture, well established backstories/lore, and over all easily recognizable differences from the races they’re related to. Some of these definitely do better than others but over all the differences a clear. These are the ones I felt truly deserved to be their own race. Most the others should have been cosmetic options.
Some do this to a lesser extent like the Highmountian, Kul Tiran, and Mag’har. The differences are clear but seem a little more forced imo. Lightforged and Void Elves seem very forced and really don’t make much sense overall to me.
I’m not saying the Junkergnomes are lazy or anything. I think they look great. As a race or group however they really don’t seem any different to me than the Gnomergon Gnomes. I don’t claim to be an expert on gnome culture/lore but really the only defining trait is the love for technology. The only difference with the Junkergnomes seems to be they are prone to replace their limbs with it.
I think their story will be good and I look forward to the content. I’m just saying as a AR the differences (besides the appearance) aren’t really there. Obviously there are other allied races that have the same issue and are already playable and naturally the content isn’t out yet so I could be wrong. This is just my personal perspective based on the information I have currently.
Basically I think they’ll be a really cool faction but as a AR they seem a little weak (but so have half the others)
As far as Vulpera go I hope to never see them again after this xpac. The got almost no lore in the all the Vol’dun questing and were basically just side kicks to the good Sethrak. They voice acting rubs me the wrong way and annoys me to know end and I can’t even explain exactly why. I’m really hoping for Gilgoblins honestly. I’ve thought they were cool since first seeing them in cata.
Naturally all this stuff is subjective so whatever ends up being added I’m happy for the people who enjoy it
I mean, sure, let’s judge a race without their major defining feature. That certainly seems fair.
I agree, if we had the option of only one or two robo limbs I would love it but I find it pretty creepy to be a torso with a head and no limbs.
that thing looks absolutely terrifying and not in a good way
in the sonic the hedgehog live action movie terrifying way
It’s just missing some of the backstory.
Like what happens when you fail your tests. Especially for the Space Marines.
Failed that test huh…not making the cut. Its okay. Lets go walk down this long, dark, menacing corridor to discuss your options initiate.
Bit later…gratz techmarine, we found you a new servitor assistant.
One, they can’t be allied race because they are their own thing. Allied races are subraces, even if they said they’re not, they are.
Vulpera are looking like the superior allied race more and more. As if they weren’t already.
Superior fur coats I definitely agree
But … wouldn’t you contribute some of this towards the factor that Goblins and Gnomes are so utterly neglected in the writing? For the most part, both short races are really only represented by their tech throughout this game; and even then that tech fluctuates madly depending on the needs of the story. We can go from building literal submarines in Cata; and air-craft carriers (utilizing fossil fuels) in WoD; to regressing to NEEDING the extremely outdated Kul Tiran and Zandalari fleets in BfA.
Long story short, its hard to differentiate between a core race and an allied race when the core race has been so truly abandoned by the writers up until now. Conceptually the Junkers are about on tier with the Highmountain (who barely differentiate themselves from their Core race counterparts, due to their own issues with relevance over the years). They are aesthetically interesting, but their cultural differences don’t shine due to lack of investment in core race lore.
As for the Gobs … honestly they’re already such a new race in canon lore that attaching an AR to them will need some creativity (or just having the GilGoblins develop a civilization from nothing so absurdly quickly that they could try to be of Void Elf levels of quality). The Core race is both neglected AND doesn’t have a large amount of lore to call on (like Gnomes at least do with the titans). Its the reason that Vulpera are at least a possibility for their AR (not JUST GilGoblins).
They will be gnomes! a recolor of something we already have, while the horde can get a new race!
And you think junkergnomes are going to do something more spectacular by ally than normal gnomes?
Nor in popularity, can they compare with something in the horde!
The only way this is not a shameful event, is if the horde picks up gilgoblins and ally, junkgnomes!
But they do not look like goblins! they are not a recolor and can be sure, they are more popular than gnomes!
Junkgnomes will not attract people to the alliance in the same proportion as vulperas can do! Vulperas would be the new blood elf!
If vulperas finish in the horde, at the same time that junkgnomes in the alliance, I will create 2 vulperas!
I will not waste my time with junkgnomes, as I do not lose with no recolor available in alliance or horde!
High elves are the new crutch that everyone loves to use when the alliance is not willing to show gratitude, to win another medal of 2nd place with a smile, when we could have something as glamorous or exciting as horde!
High elve can not? OK!
How about vrykul? they do not hate humans and would be better off in the horde!
Sethraks? Not! Their lore are written in stone and there will be no means of them being one day in the alliance, because they match with the horde!
I don’t judge the coolness of things based on what the other guy gets. That’s called envy. If Horde gets Vulpera, that’s cool. If Alliance gets Mechagnomes, that’s cool too. Have you seen the kinds of insane customization options the mechas have on WoWhead right now? A metallic head with LED eyes? No other race looks anything that unique!
But anyway, yeah. My enjoyment of Alliance content isn’t dependent on the Horde getting crap content. That’d make me quite the toxic person indeed.
So? They are still just Goblin Rigs with tails, that’s it. And what YOU decide to play Mr Worgen, is not what will compel others to play.
Honestly, the fact of the matter remains is that Vulpera have an amazing amount of infrastructure already in play for them to be an AR (built on a foundation of a Goblin Rig). The Gobs also don’t have a long history of lore to draw upon to justify their AR (and while GilGoblins are ABSOLUTELY a possibility, they have some serious issues to overcome to be a good AR option). It is a coin toss at this point which of those two Goblin Rigs with be the Goblin AR.
The GNOMES also desperately deserve some attention and love after being neglected as a PC race since friggen Vanilla. If all they can get towards that is Mechagon and its denizens, then I will absolutely back that (regardless of my personal wishes and preferences on the matter). Junkers are a fine way to approach that; and if Vulpera end up on the Horde (which, yeah, turns out them being neighbors with the Zandalari might result in that) … so be it. I wont play em, but others might.
you know, there’s gonna be a lot of r34 about this specific thing.
it’s called F-nugget.
This is a carefully crafted troll thread. You can’t just be blowin it up like that.
Junkgnomes allure me as much as forsaken or trolls or orcs!
And trolls orcs and forsaken do not interest me in 10 years of gameplay!
Draeneis also do not interest me, like humans and night elves!
I’m not saying we can not have jungnomes or that there’s something wrong where gnomes have an attention!
Just that they will not leverage the same intersection of people in the alliance as vulperas will, not to mention how depressing it is to play with a recolor and the horde with a new race!
regular characters don’t have limbs that simply unscrew without damaging the character.
Cool, then it might actually justify Gnome Warriors then. Mechancial limbs seem solid enough to justify the strength needed to be a tiny tank.