So Mechagnomes with out their mecha-prosthetics

And that’s fine, but that’s all personal taste. It’s clear they’re putting a lot of work into the junker gnomes from an objective standpoint, so I do take issue with the idea that releasing them alongside Vulpera is in some way a slight to the entire Alliance. If you like talking animals, there’s Vulpera. If you like Steampunk, there’s junker gnomes.

And this

Is Steampunk AF.


Interesting, seems Blizz is operating off the Forsaken concept for the Junkers to highlight their cybernetics a bit with their armor. I … am actually sort of digging that premise. They really do have a lot of work put into them, and honestly … if they get decent racials (which considering WHAT they are they might just get some fun ones), I could really see a good amount of people toying around with em.

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summarizing: Something different and interesting never comes to the alliance, just something digested again and again, to cause the feeling of friction!

Yes … nothing more “samey” than a bunch of people who live in a distopian cyberpunk setting (mixed with a dash of Bioshock), who rip off their own limbs to replace them with mechanical prosthetics… Truly, the Junkers are utterly devoid of originality. But those fox nomads with still very shallow lore … they’re something super different from the dozens of other Animal races we’ve seen in Warcraft. :smiley:


lol. That was the first thing that came to my mind as well.

I agree Gnomes have been very neglected lorewise and are either side kicks to the dwarves or the alliance engineers. IMO this wouldve been a better opportunity for them to create a more unique take on gnomes instead of just another shade of gnome. Coming up with something unique for the allied race would make the AR more exciting and help highlight and expand on the core race.

That wouldve helped with many of the other races like Highmountian and Lightforged. It’s one of the reason I wish Draenei wouldve gotten Broken (either the ones from outland or Argus) instead. They share similarities but have stark contrasts as well. IMO allied races should be about bringing something new to the race as a whole.

Also are you talking about GilGoblins being new to the Canon? Cause Goblins have been around since warcraft 2. Obviously they didn’t have any story in the rts but even in 3 they started playing a minor role in the story with the introduction of Gazlowe. Honestly the Goblins have done pretty well lore-wise since WoW. The whole concept of cartels and savy/ruthless business types was something added with wow. They have several different factions with Steamweedle, Bilgewater, Blackfuse Company, and Venture company. Obviously not the same level as orcs, elves, and humans but Goblins have been give decent backstory and culture that are on par with a lot of the other races.

We know very little about Gilgoblins so having a culturally different group doesn’t seem like that far of a stretch at all. They’ve been mostly underwater this whole time so whatever deepsea stuff they have going on will be a lot more believable than void elves. I’d expect it some middle ground between naga and murloc culture (leaning more to the murloc side)

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I can see this point. But here I suspend reality. Biased as I like my gnome DK. Its the odd mix it has of cute and tiny…but undead and deadly.

Well that and warrior (and hunter) seem to be the universal give out class. they give every race 1 melee and 1 ranged option. rest…enters the fun debates as to why/why not this class.

No, I mean Goblins are a shockingly new race in canon lore. While they date back before their current intellectual prowess, their civilization as it stands right now only dates back over a little more than a century (their slave origins date back quite a bit further, even being experimented on by Mimiron). Goblins just don’t have that back history to really call upon to develop a linked AR from their past.

As for Gils … they are an even newer race. They could only have existed as a species for around 20 years (as they are creations of Hobart Grapplehammer). They have also suffered cognitive deficiencies due to their aquatic adaptations (its sort of funny that they have such large noses when they don’t actually have nostrils). Up until now they’ve largely been portrayed as very tribalistic.

While they do seem to have the early vestiges of a society forming in Naz’jatar … New Home (a literal cave in a wall) seems to be their new “Capital”; which suggests they very much are a culture in its early infancy. It really does seem like their priority now is more “Free Slave Races from Slavery” rather than … build a civilization that can make formal Alliances (and not JUST get exploited by Gallywix, which I truly am afraid might happen to them if he’s the one recruiting them).

ht tps://

I want.

Gilgoblins have been around roughly 28 years. More than enough it seems for them to develop a culture average intelligence and develop long lasting cohesive bonds.

Are they a rip off of bioshock? Well I’ve never had any attractions for games like that!

But it is good that you have understood why junkgnomes are an option eclipsed by vulperas and as for vulperas having little lore, this does not prevent voidbelves from the horde of being in the alliance! At least vulperas did not leave the thin air!

So far every allied race has always been the same racial type. Void elves are still elves. Vulpera are not goblins. They will likely remain npcs.

with and without the robot stuff they still look like rotisserie chickens

Nope not going to happen, I have interest in them.

The gilgoblin faction in 8.2.


Vulpera haven’t been confirmed to be an allied race.


I kept telling people a few months ago. Gilgoblins do in fact have quite a chance of becoming an AR. They would just write me off as a fool. Now all Gilgoblins need are some geosets and model updates and they’ll be more likely to happen than Vulpera in almost every way. Both of which are looking more and more like they very well will happen.

They may get shamans and druids tho?

As someone who has an urge in real life to replace his limbs with mechanical upgrades, I quite like the Mechagnomes.

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Vulpera was just bound to be superior just like void elves were bound to be superior than the night borne once Blizzard borked night borne player models.