So far everyone has been given an allied race with kinship!
Gnomes would hardly be an exception!
And junkgnomes seem to be the obvious reference to gnomes.
Now it would be good to know the opposite race in Horde!
So far everyone has been given an allied race with kinship!
Gnomes would hardly be an exception!
And junkgnomes seem to be the obvious reference to gnomes.
Now it would be good to know the opposite race in Horde!
I too am curious what a Kelfin is. I would look it up but I’ve made too many mistakes looking up things I would only immediately regret.
as for the cybernetic gnomes they are just disturbing because their bodies are already disproportional. Making them cyborgs makes them look like they are a head attached to only half a torso which someone then attached cyborg limbs to in order to make intentionally disturbing art.
The horde will most likely get Vulpera, an original and unique race.
I can’t wait for them to be fur coats. Probably will have their heads mounted and stuff though for decoration.
I too am curious what a Kelfin is.
Ask and ye shall receive.
Kelfins are the name of the band of Gilgoblins apart of the Unshackled.
But you can stick refrigerator magnets to them! Can you do that with the Vulpera?
Didn’t think so.
Talk about sacrificing everything!
And the alliance, a recolor race with no glamor and will not generate an interest in the faction as much as vulperas could generate for Horde?
That would be very disappointing!
Not to mention the scorn that the alliance would suffer for getting something second-hand and horde something new!
I already foresee an increase in the number of players in the horde and a new decrease of players in ally, if something like this really is the plan of the devs.
Would you rather get mechagnomes or be the side getting invaded by all the furries?
Oh it most likely is the plan, me and my buddies are already moving our characters over to Horde given that there is literally nothing left Alliance side. Why play a leftover faction when you can get quality on the other?
It’s 100% going to happen, the Zanda’s were wel lreceived and the KTs were mocked and ridiculed, people only play them for memes now and less than 0.5% according to realmpop or whatever actually play them. The diaper trash gnomes wont be any different.
no they won’t
they’re getting gilgoblins
Not if I make them into fish sandwhiches first!
Source other than daydreaming?
Cause the Vulpera flagon for brewfest was listed under “Allied Race” sweet cheeks in a previous update.
One thing I really hope they do before introducing Junker Gnomes is make the augment limbs bigger. They’re too small right now.
That and maybe make the robotic-eyes the only option.
that is not actually what happened.
Current allied races were seen on the drinking cups, and there was a vulpera drinking cup. There was no
list for brewfest.
We all know mechano gnomes are coming for alliance but I thought horde was getting gilgoblins. If they get vulpera then horde biased is confirmed once again.
Really rather have the Mechagnome options as extra customization… But oh well looks like they are a sure thing now. Hopefully 8.3 will have some new races that could become an allied race to make up for the Mechagnomes.
As a faction I think they’re good looking and would be a cool option for people who like… playing gnomes.
However them being portrayed as a “race” seems a little odd to me. Are they born without limbs or are they just regular gnomes who replaces their body parts? As a faction they work for me but as a “race” in the true sense of the term It’s a little harder to get behind. Haven’t done any ptr so maybe they’ll be explained/presented in a way that clears things up, but as is it seems a little odd.
I found a mounted gnome head in the dark corner of a Zandalari Hut in Zuldazar. So anything is possible haha
doesnt the \female spacegoat have some flirt or silly line involving jumper cables and a gnome?
could fit there too.