So marksmanship is losing pets LOL is that a joke?

Oh believe me, I get where you’re coming from. I may personally like the changes coming for MM, but that doesn’t make the opinions of people who disagree with MM completely losing pet access invalid.

Even given I don’t really prefer pets as MM, it’ll be weird for a bit not being able to pull one out at all as MM.

Honestly, I’m interested in seeing how Blizzard reacts to the mixed reception towards MM going completely petless, if Blizzard reacts at all. This is something that is a core piece of a class being removed on a given spec of the class because they couldn’t think of a better way to handle the pet.


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Tbh I know this is a losing battle. They’ve already done the work and some marketing guy is likely pushing for it.

Call me sentimental but I’m gonna turn all my hunters away from MM until they give me back my pet in some format… I don’t want a random eagle. I’m not playing a falconer I’m playing a hunter… Wish they’d give the sniper role to a 4th warrior or rogue spec honestly. (Hardly something I’m really pulling for though mind.)

Yeah it sucks…


This isn’t the first time they’ve tried to take pets away from MM. They’d “done all the work” and we still ended up keeping our pets.


All I am hearing is MM Hunters will all be Alts, and BM will be the dedicated Main.

Let me get this right? Hunter’s will have a class that has nothing to do with a Pet?
Yet an Unholy DK has to run around with this idiotic non stop summoning minion,that does squat to being with.


To be fair it’s mostly ultra-casuals that complain they won’t be able to quest without pets anymore or that they are loosing their beloved friends . People that actually play mm are overwhelmingly positive about the announced changes. Most of them just don’t populate the forums…

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So what?
You don’t tell me how I’ve played or how other people play. You only have your experience.
Before they added lone wolf, MM used their pets as they wanted.
Lone wolf has always been a choice.


Yeah. Pretty stupid move. I want a pet on my hunter but I dont want to play Beastmaster like every nub in the game.

They should at least just make it so we use certain pets only, and give them talents in the tree.

Of course I am still p.o.'d they removed feeding and affinity. Dumbing down the game, more and more and more and more. Eventually toddlers will have their own WoW.


Calls people “nub” has zero achievements requiring any amount of skill but has been playing for 15 years…

Why are people like this?

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They earned Dynamic Duo in 2012, and then Two Warband Mentors a month ago.
To this day, since 2012, they’ve never had 3 max lever characters at one time.
(So close! Paladin is 79!)

There is a genuinely large chance this dude has never even played Hunter.

This is the kind of stuff that just frustrates me with this whole topic.


Im telling ya… the death of gate keeping was a mistake back in wrath.

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Are you suggesting that anyone with a valid opinion on this must prove they have Hunter experience?
How much, how many years, how long to actually be MM, etc…
Please explain.


Well, there is the Lone Wolf talent for MM, I mean it makes sense that most MM don’t roll with a pet.

At least one of the people supporting this change currently plays BM because all they care about is whatever does the most damage.


I feel like they could have just done the same thing with the eagle by letting us use any pet we want in it’s place.


So many people supporting the change play hunter as like a 4th alt, but for some reason those people’s lack of credentials isn’t a problem.


Can finally be a Marksman hunter rather than a wannabe Beastmaster hunter!

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I am not a fan of this. I hope they can do it in a way that those who want to use the eagle buff can, but those of us who want to use the pets we’ve tamed with the spec we enjoy can still do so. It’s kinda garbage to remove access to pets we’ve collected over years.


It’s likely a Murder of Crows scenario where you only see the eagle when it procs and swoops in to debuff which i really like more than having to get my pet out doing negative damage and losing that 5% dmg

TL:DR version at the bottom

At 1am when I couldn’t sleep, this is what I realized I will no longer be able to do if my pet is taken away. I’m sure there are more, but I fell asleep thinking about this:

  1. Pull mobs with Eyes of the Beast - which I’ve done in dungeons both for fun and to help the tank round stuff up quickly
  2. Misdirect to my pet in solo content, helping me round up enough mobs so that my AOE will work efficiently (we don’t have a 2 tag AOE, so I always pull in a third so I can use AOE spells)
  3. Have my pet fetch loot (not super important, but still very fun and a function that will no longer be available. Most useful when mobs die on a cliff and you can’t reach them)
  4. Have my pet run to tag mobs to bring them into range when they are just out of range of my bow and I can’t/don’t want to move for some reason (I used this a lot while rounding up pirates to get my Insane title so I could utilize the 15% xp and rep guild banner where you can’t leave it’s range. More recently for just the banner’s XP gain while leveling alts)
  5. Have the pet that I spent months finding to tame

I think a lot of people who started in Legion or after may not even realize the utility of having your pet. Maybe you heard it’s too much maintenance to have your pet out all the time. That was taken out of the game, and you no longer have to worry about that. Back in the day, you had to first tame your pet, then train your pet up to current level (it was tamed at whatever level it was at the time), then you had to feed your pet constantly because it didn’t like you at first. After feeding it a lot over a few days, then it started to become your buddy and you only had to feed it once a day or so to keep it happy. If you didn’t, it would be become unhappy and not do as much DPS for you. I heard rumors that if it became unhappy for long enough, it would leave you, but there were no internet forums at the time to verify that. I just never let it happen, so I don’t know. But yeah, it was a lot of work, but that’s what we did and we had a true bond with our pets after all of that. I agree that taking that type of maintenance out of the game was a step in the right direction, and it’s much easier now. To maintain your pet now, all you have to do is summon it. So I don’t understand what people mean about “having to maintain a pet” unless they are just talking about using it for heroism. Intimidation was taken off the pet and moved to the main bar so you don’t need a pet out to use that one anymore. Only hero is left since every other special pet ability was removed.

Pulling out a pet as MM with LW does give you a 30% haste buff for 40 seconds, but I don’t know if it was ever supposed to be a viable raid mechanic. It’s great for soloing, but not in raids/M+. I don’t remember if it was Wowhead, Icy Veins or Method (those are the only three sites I go to now because Elitist Jerks doesn’t exist anymore), but according to my research a few months ago, you took a significant DPS loss by dismissing your pet after you summoned it for heroism during a raid, so anyone who has been pulling it out, hitting the spell, and then taking the time to dismiss it again before DPSing, you were losing a lot of DPS during hero. If you waited and didn’t dismiss it during hero, you were taking a DPS hit for the rest of the fight for having a pet out (which could negate the increase all together), or later during the fight where you took the time to stop and cast the dismiss spell. So there is really no great option. The only time it made sense (max DPS wise) was if you pulled it out in the last 40 seconds of any fight, or dismissed it during a phase change where people really aren’t DPSing anyway (like when the bugs come out during Ulgrax and the tank is rounding them up) which is pretty limiting and makes you really need to understand the fights. It’s probably still a bit better for everyone else in the group, but it probably wasn’t doing as much good for you as you have been thinking it did. Drums, which can be used by anyone, does 15% damage for 40 seconds but there’s no down side. That extra 15% only matters in high end content, not the majority of players. So use drums, and you don’t have to pull the pet out at all if that’s all you’re using it for. They are getting cheaper every day, and if you have the mats, you can place an order at the artisan’s crafting table for them for just a tip.

But I understand that some people just don’t like pets. Or just like being able to hit hero and feel useful. I also understand that Blizzard is trying to reduce the clutter in melee (maybe not add survival to that problem? Just saying…).

It seems that to make everyone happy, the most logical thing would be to keep Lone Wolf as a choice, and just pull Primal Rage out of the pet’s abilities and add it to the main spellbook like what was done to Intimidate. Then when Lone Wolf is active, you can’t access your traditional pets. You wouldn’t need a pet (or eagle) at all. If you want to use a spell effect of a pet coming in doing its thing and leaving, instead of an eagle, I suggest using the extra stable slot that is for BM hunter since it’s already in the game, and use the appearance of whatever pet is placed there for your special Lone Wolf ability. No one wants a generic eagle as far as I’ve been seeing. If your pet is only there for a few seconds, then I don’t see the difference. If you’re trying to reduce melee clutter, you could make the pet only visible to the hunter, not the whole group. Then there would be NOTHING in melee, not a bird, not ground animals. Birds blocked LOS so much that our guild asked all the hunters to never use them. If it’s not visible to anyone else, then it seems like a good solution.

Or, with or without Lone Wolf, you could keep traditional pets an option WHEN NOT IN A RAID/MYTHIC+. If you’re not in a raid or mythic+, keep the ability to summon our pets and let us choose to play with or without one. No one needs melee decluttering if you’re playing solo. Make the change only applicable to raids and mythic+ and then at least I know I’d be happy with the change. Just don’t take away the ability to summon my pet at all other times, or if I chose not to take the LW talent.

Make losing the ability to summon traditional pets only apply to people taking the Lone Wolf talent and make Primal Rage a main spell ability like Intimidation so pets never needs to be used
with or without LW, lose the ability to summon pets only during Raids and Mythic+ and keep the option available at all other times.