Thanks Degas! I hope so. A raven would be awesome for my worgen dark ranger.
Just like that, huh? On a rework that isn’t live? Wow.
What talent? I don’t play MM and don’t know about that it had it.
Survival is based of of Rexxar (but we still can’t DW with it unlike him).
I hate pets, as I am just an archer. Marksmen use Lone Wolf for a reason. Don’t care for the eagle but at least it means I don’t have to call a pet just to use bloodlust (the only reason I even have a tamed pet). Wish i didn’t need the eagle to do so but whatever.
Would be cool if they just disconnected the pet and bloodlust, but I guess technology isn’t there. Sadly now MM w/pet and MM wo/pet have this weird mixed ground.
Just disengenuous overactors lol.
Tbh the rework sounds interesting enough for me to want to give it a go and I despise mm and have since wrath.
ah yes, because wanting to play a MARSMAN in the MARKSMANSHIP spec, is people not wanting to play their character.
Everyone who is against this change, tell me, what is the point of having a spec called “Marksmanship” if you are not even a marksman, but a worse version of Beast Master?
This is something that MM should have been the entire time. Anyone who wants to play an actual archer/sniper actually gets to now.
Name one marksman that had a government mandated eagle for a spotter.
Absolutely fine with the change since BM and survival are both specs which rely heavily upon their pets. In fact, I like it. It isn’t like you can’t switch over to BM or survival to tame pets in the open world.
It’s still the CLOSEST thing we’ve ever had to a true marksman in the game.
Not ideal, but better than being forced to have an active pet in a supposed “marksmanship” spec.
And from the sounds of it, it will more so be something akin to Murder of Crows. So I can accept it.
I can’t find myself disagreeing with this take!
Didn’t they remove Sniper Shot this patch? They seem to want you to be a falconeer, super dedicated to your pet now.
Gods this. Like there are so many better ways to deal with the problems they appear to think exist.
Well it must be a decent joke since it made you laugh…out loud even…
I don’t really care about losing the pet functionality as a hunter alt player, HOWEVER I play a Dark Ranger MM Elf hunter.
I want to reflect that in my choice of pet and i don’t want some stupid bird like I’m a NE running around Ashenvale singing how great Tyrande is.
I like my undead pets and should be able to reflect that in my skills too. There had better glyphs for MULTIPLE choices to skin this bird if blizz committed to doing this
You can already do this with the Lone Wolf talent. All this change does is remove a play style for those who do want to keep their pet. It is a step backwards in class design.
This. This is the problem.
The issues they’re trying to fix, can be fixed much better without taking away functionality of the class.
I may as well tbh.
Hunter has always been in a very weird spot for me but I’m curious to give the new changes a whirl.
The do when they would rather not deal with the cess pool of the GD