So marksmanship is losing pets LOL is that a joke?

Like every other ranged class in the game (except BM and Warlocks). Welcome to the club! :yum:

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Uhhh Ummm According to my calculations. . . I don’t give a damn. I have seen it consistently in every raid I have been in for 10 years. I know it wasn’t good before that either. If I saw consistently that every MM unperformed compared to BM and some NERD put together a chart of how close they are I would question that chart. Not to mention thatif you look at them they are still all really low. Except that I have seen BM destroying in PvP and in raids. They get top 3 every time. The chart is wrong. Maybe the math they are using is wrong. It doesn’t matter. Marksman still under performs.

Hey maybe a ton of people play beastmaster wrong and those who have stuck to raiding with marksman have to be really good so the BM only is like 1.2x dps. Either way I am ecstatic for the change.

Blizzard is more than capable of giving them a hero/lust button and NOT tying it to the pet. Would go some way to helping ALL hunters since a ferocity pet doesn’t allow them to instead run a tenacity pet for an extra minor cooldown.

Because everyone assumed it was never coming back.

Well that’s too bad because those prove you don’t know your rotation.

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That’s the cool part they don’t. You just assume that because you look at number and number isn’t that different. You don’t ask what goes into those numbers or what kind of players play the class. You totally ignored my entire argument btw. You just asserted over and over that I must suck because what I said doesn’t align with a set of raid numbers.

You claimed to know your rotation, and you insult every player in this thread when they actually give evidence for anything. Goodbye.


I actually didn’t insult every player. I told them to cope harder.

That actually sounds pretty cool. My only gripe is that it takes away some of the customization by removing your choice of pet. Purely for cosmetic reasons of course, but still.

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I’m reading the notes and omg this is painful… do they even think these things through for player enjoyment? Not just marksman but so many other specs are getting whacky changes.



Points… whispers… It must be a narc. Everyone act cool!

So I basically will never have a reason to play Marksman or hunter altogether i guess, even though so far it has been my favorite hunter spec, regardless of how bad the damage has been.


They don’t care about how much investment we have in our pets. Rewriting classes keeps teams funded because they need to show they’re doing something.


I wouldn’t be surprised. Blizzard hates player agency and took away the perma water elemental from mage too


I dunno what to say. I play pets with some of my marksmen hunters for fun and style but just in leveling content. the next patch will be interesting but i will probably miss the pets.

i miss perma water elemental choice for mage too. bring it back as a choice node or something blizz please.

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There is proof of that in your logs if you’d like to get anecdotal. your best average performance is in the 13.6 range of marksman logs. This means that you are performing below 86.4% of people that play marksman in heroic raiding, which definitely includes people who aren’t exceptionally skilled at their class mind you. There is probably quite a bit of user error going on here with this in mind.

Let me reiterate as well, you are stating that you see BM perform well and top charts in your raids, this doesn’t mean much for a heroic raid because most people aren’t performing at their best. Player skill varies a lot more at that tier of raiding, especially this late in the season. You can top charts in a heroic raid on the worst spec in the game very easily depending on the players you are with.


But they played with someone before, how could they be wrong? Clearly everyone else is to blaim. /nod

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Keep straw manning. It suits you.

That literally proves nothing. Also how petty can you get? Pulling logs? Really? I never said I was the best Marksman, just that I knew what I was doing and that I knew that pets were weighing us down. But you never engaged with that argument. Your ONLY intent was to bully me. You just wanted to make me look bad. This is a good change no matter how much you try and make me look bad.

Marks Hunters already had a talent that gave them a damage boost when no pet was out. On my Hunter when playing Marks I’d just bring it out for Heroism/Lust. That is one thing they’ll need to deal with because you wouldn’t want one spec to be without this important ability. But this idea for Marks isn’t bad at all. They already benefitted from going petless this just makes it officially part of how the spec operates.