So . . . lotta new beast models so far

I mean we got dragon infused mammoths, doggos, SMILODONS, tallstriders, birds of prey, sheep, toads (apparently called Hornswogs) and large reptiles. We got ice infused bears, wyvern foxes, reptile salamander things, DUCKS, giant peafowl, nature infused porcupines, lava infused snails and slugs, kirins, short necked sivatheriums, and giant dragonflies. We got so many new creatures so far and no doubt more on the way, its positively overwhelming . . . so I gotta ask . . . how many will be tameable blizzard . . . how. MANY. eye twitch

just some samples to give visual aid.


/Hunter rubs their grubby little hands


bumping with a few more examples (some are mounts but will most likely have wild versions)




The lizard mounts look cool asf.

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I’d like to see a short nosed bear model, maybe with a nose like a bull dog.

And they could have saddled any of those models and made it a mount for the 500 mounts achiev. :joy:
That 2nd in the pic there looks nice af.


I think its their take on a “bear dog”, either way I hope its a hound and not a wolf . . . hounds SORELY need more model variety.


The new beasts and mounts look absolutely phenomenal, definitely think the atmosphere and setting will rival/be better than mists of pandaria’s visual enchantment

welp, I know what I’m naming my salamander now . . .

it just makes me even more hyped . . . I can hardly wait.

Trying to not overhype it, but I think that it’ll beat Pandaria by a fair margin. Pandaria is nice but it’s was at a bit of an awkward stage for Blizzard’s mapmaking tools/techniques and graphical capabilities, resulting in some of the new things it tries not working as well as they could’ve.

There’ve been a few breakthrough moments in the xpacs since, like AU Draenor is where they really started to get better at various types of terrain and outdoor lighting, Legion was where they started getting good at making cliffs actually look like cliffs, BfA refined the “real mountain” technique spearheaded by Kun-Lai summit into something more generally applicable, etc. Even Shadowlands has a few things, like I strongly doubt that the map team as it was in MoP or before could’ve pulled off Revendreth as it exists currently.

So if they’re rolling in everything they’ve learned since MoP I don’t think it’s going even be a contest.

They look nice but blizzard needs to change the current pet spec problem for anything but ferocity pets to see widespread use.


oh without a doubt, just thought I’d share this though . . . ya know just put it out there

I’m a skeptic but I think it’s shaping up nicely in theory.

I would love to admit that they made a really great expansion

I really like the models. They are rich in texture as well as color!

I like that winged fox the most! I hope it has a purple variant!

Just more non-ferocity pets for me to not care about.

ditto, between that, the dragon doggo, and the dragon smilodon I’m kinda torn . . .

well now . . . that kinda kills the moon . . .

also bumping this again cause well . . . BEAVERS!!!

dragon beavers


wanted to bump this again cause new turtle, beetle, rhino, monkey, possible new ray, phoenix, and my new main pet

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one more bump for dragon sheep, fanged bears, and large mana wyrms

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