If all these wonderful options are not ferocity, and Blizzard doesn’t change things from how they are, none of these are going to be much use beyond being a cool town pet look.
I want the Porcupine and Rabbit that were datamined so bad lol. But if Rodents remain Cunning, they won’t be of use and that makes me so mad.
I wish they’d listen to feedback that pet specs need to be swappable again
That said - Wain at Petopia has been tweeting all the beasts he’s found that can be tamed.
I was gonna wait for Character Copy to make a hunter on Alpha, but I’ll probably make one soon just cause.
i like it, and I don’t say that lightly.
Omg that third one >.>
Too bad it probably won’t be used for a mount considering Dragon Riding or whatever the “How to train your Dragon” system was called
They have been told this repeatedly but they have remained resolutely of the opinion that if they make something attractive enough we’ll take the dps/survival hit and use it anyway. Some of these models look amazing, it’s really disappointing where Blizzard’s stubborn streak shows up sometimes.
I think the new stuff looks look great so far. I love the fluffy dog and birds. My only complaint so far is the “dragonfly” is really underwhelming if it’s just a ground mount and doesn’t look distinct enough from the water striders.
Hopefully stuff like beaver and protostrider/snail (if those aren’t mount-only) means they’ll go to revisit some older beasts that fit in those families for taming since now they’re “new” again.
Has a “dragon sheep” been found yet? I recall one mentioned in an interview and anything I’ve seen like the moose-rhino and kirin would be an enormous stretch.
Edit: omg I see it now I love it
funny you should say that . . . just posted it with the wyrm and bear
Sadly, the wild ones of these are Dragonkin and can’t be tamed.
I was so happy to see these were tameable. Unfortunately, I made her murder her friend right after taming cause they both aggroed.
I’m like 99% sure this is a bug and not intended, but while we have it, might as well share:
Also, Survival/Marksman still can’t use Exotic Pets, but they can tame them. I was able to tame a Clefthoof and a Worm without having to switch to BM. I just couldn’t summon it.
Honestly, though the Kirins may be dragonkin at launch it’s still early alpha, so most creatures probably aren’t enabled for taming yet / have the wrong classification . . . Fel that non-frost bear is marked as an elemental for some reason . . .
My main concern though is those dragon smilodons, they and the dragon doggos are my top two right now and I really want to tame those cats.
Edit: We were denied new cheetahs, I prey we get dragon smilodons
Anything being tameable this early in alpha is amazing tbh. They do the taming pass almost always last - we don’t have new families yet, for instance.
So I don’t doubt some Dragonkin will become tameable.