So long friends

Had to poison the well, did you?

Send me your gold, plz.

Guess we all have our part to play in this charade.

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You forgot to mention the player base is not the same with this new generation of gamers which is why Blizzard’s culture has changed too. All these new generation of gamers want everything handed to them putting in little to no work. Go see how many posts about people whining and wanting even WQs to offer heroic raiding ilvl gear for doing a 2 min quest because they don’t want to raid but feel they need high end gear.

Today’s gamers are extremely lazy. They want their “alts” to basically be “main 1, main 2, main 3, etc.” hence all the “Everything needs to be account bound”. I bet an insanely low amount of players here who are in the new generation of gamers didn’t try Classic WoW or did but never hit max level and went back to retail. Why? Because that was a grind.

So yeah, go ahead and blame Blizzard but when they are trying to cater to everyone what are they supposed to do? WoW by far has the most and best end game content of any mmos. Blizzard is always introducing new things each expansion which yeah some don’t like but at least they do these things to keep the game fresh. All the other mmos I don’t see them adding anything new to the genre and just add new content using the same stuff for the most in each of their expansions.


Loot boxes, season passes, and pay to win mobile mentality


Cantaloupe, baseball, and the mere concept of Applebees.

Wait, we were saying random things that have nothing to do with WoW, right?


:wave: take care :heart:

I was referring to the mindset of some gamers.

“the mere concept of applebees” hahahahahaha

Yeah Buddy! It’s over.

Gimme your gold.

Been here a while, just in the shadows

Yo the game will be clean from these people soon.

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