So long friends

I understand these are overdone, but for me it feels like true closure. 16 years playing WoW off and on and i feel i could write a novel on how great it used to be and sound like a “boomer”. But in reality, the culture at Blizzard is not the same, the content is not the same, the ability to address in game issues is not the same, the creativity & care is not the same and so forth. The list is endless. I hope you all enjoy the rest of the expansion, but implore you find other games to enjoy, as this once great MMO is simply not what it once was…but yet a shell of it’s former self and unfortunately the player count shows that. Enjoy fellas.



See you in 10.0


I won’t be back for that as it will be a “band aid” and minimal content that will not fix the bone deep issues that plague the company at this point and i don’t even imagine are fixable after so many talented people have left. I won’t even reply to anything else from here on out. It’s truly the end for me on here. As a long time player, to any other OG’s…best of luck.


GL wish you nothing but the best!!


Then move onto something else. No shame in that. Just dont be like all the others who claim to quit and are still making/posting in threads 3mo later.

If the game is no longer for you than move on. Its the mentally healthy option


Sure thing bud.


Thanks for these years! Wish you the best in your future gaming adventures may you find a game that suits your needs better today!

Anyhow, ciao, adios, bye bye, hejdå, cya l8er g8er (until 10.0)!


Gonna miss running dungeons with you. Take care.

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I don’t blame you op. Many already left and more are following suite. The days of mmos being the go to primary games are gone. Single player games are cheaper and hold more entertainment value for many than the remnants of mmos these days.

Wherever your gaming future takes you op I wish you luck.


I’ve never personally seems one

I see a lot of these responses yet I don’t see anyone calling out the people when they do return…could it be that they actually do never return?

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Many of us have called people out. Myself included lol. You must be new here


It’s sad that MMO’s hold no substance anymore or that the good ones change and lose what made them good to begin with. Others, like New World, have an identity crisis and don’t know what type of MMO they want to be.

I’ve quit over the years, longest was end of 2011 to end of 2017. I’ve come back a couple times to see if they fixed their game. Recently I quit over a year ago only to come back a couple weeks ago to see if it is any better and it isn’t. Will be quitting again till either Dragonflight or possible AR’s are released.

If, after all these years, Blizz can’t make the game enjoyable again why am I even trying? Only reason I even come back to try it out again is because other MMO’s, that start out good, change and become less fun so I have to look for another MMO to find fun in. Hence, me relooking at WoW and than ultimately being unimpressed with the lack of fun or disappointed they have, yet again, removed something I had found fun in the game. Emotes is one of the more recent things removed.

Recently, I was playing SWTOR, which I was having SO much fun with. I had started back up due to the new change in classes and was hopeful it would be fun. Unfortunately, 7.0 just broke/changed TOO many little things and I end up not enjoying the game. If they had left everything alone except changing the classes I would probably still be playing it.

I than went to ESO but for some reason I can’t play that game for long before I just stop playing. It has elements I like but there is just some unknown reason why I can’t play it more than maybe a month before I go looking for another MMO.

Now, with my sub up in a couple of weeks, I am either going to work on my own MMO, which I’ve been planning on doing for a couple of months now, or just play non-MMO games till the new crop of promising MMO’s release over the next couple of years. Only more chances for one of them to fill that void WoW used to occupy.

The current WoW is just not the same WoW most of us have enjoyed over the years. They have changed some things and sometimes it is a good change but I think constantly removing the little things players find fun, insert “fun detected” meme, has just left the game void of what most of us have enjoyed. It is a husk/shell of what it once was. A lot of little things becomes a big thing over time.

To each their own.


can you send me you gold?

i need new bags

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I hope you find something else that ignites your passion like WoW once did!!

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Waiting for 10.0. Only been playing for 5 years but honestly the end game has lost me. If WOW does not create a clear path for the end game in 10 it will probably be the end for me as well.

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They never existed? MMOs have always been a niche in gaming lol

Which are you?


Good luck and hope you find other games that are more enjoyable.

Personally, I played the SL beta, but didn’t subscribe for the majority of this expansion. Just came back after ZM opened, and have been enjoying it overall, but there’s definitely the disconnect from the original “feel” of the game.

I’m hoping with their personnel shakeups that Blizz will see some new direction, but we’ll see. Been playing a lot of other games in the meantime though, LEGO Skywalker Saga is my current time sink :stuck_out_tongue:


I can’t take any “It was glorious back in the day” posts seriously anymore (including my own) when I think back to how things like the Brewfest Ram were yanked from the game for no reason. In 2007.

It wasn’t all sunshine and unicorns back then.


Good riddance.


Thanks for dropping by, so long!