So long friends

Oh wow yeah, he seems like trash. The more people like him quit, the better.


Adios! You take care now.

I felt similar to this about the game at one point, and what I ended up doing was just not buying Shadowlands. I’m still subbed and still having fun, but I’m probably not gonna buy expansions anymore until or unless Blizz does more with them that actually expands the game rather than just replacing existing stuff with something else. Until that time comes, I’ll be happy running around and collecting stuff that’s available up to one expansion behind the paid one lol

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I’ve quit WoW maybe 300 times over the course of its existence. Sometimes just for a week. Sometimes for months. Sometimes for years. Not once have I thought to make a farewell post.

It’s just a game y’know? There are so many games out there that fit so many different types of people. If it’s not for you anymore, then alright. Time to find something that is.


We’ll leave the light on for ya.

Heres where your objective…err or whatever this attempt was…completely collapsed.

If you dont like the game…just leave. Please dont try to garner support for more people to quit just because youre not happy. You did this completely wrong.

Good luck from here…im betting youll be back at some point.

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Do you need chocolate?

Never thought I would take a break but have done so now a few times. Max an entire expansion. Maybe one day you’ll get that itch again, if not? All the best.

Was my response…

And then I read that summary of OPs contribution to the community :face_vomiting:

More the better indeed.


what the hell do people have against blue hair anyway? cant even dye your hair fun colors anymore without people calling you names. can’t imagine being such a boring person

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They associate it with duh libruls.

Just more Faux News parroting from people too dense to form their own opinions.

My partner’s hair is a rainbow at the moment and it looks fantastic lol


i just don’t get why, i don’t know why they made a connection between people who enjoy fun hair colors and the evil woke mob. doesn’t make sense. but most of their boogiemen don’t make sense i guess

i always wanted to try that but i’m sure the colors start to fade pretty much immediately when it’s washed

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General religious dogma baked into their worldview that says women who call attention to themselves in any way are evil harridans, probably.

Depends on the dye you use. Her colors usually last for a month or two before she picks a new one on a whim. It does start to fade but that doesn’t necessarily mean it looks bad - just goes from bright color to somewhat more pastel.

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You’re welcome for all the fish.

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I won’t bust stones over this fact but I quit posts never made sense to me, I’ve quit several times to stop my sub when the game bores me so I know the process with the form that you fill out. There’s plenty of vent space in the essay box to give blizzard the “what for” on the way out if you want.

Anyway to each their own but why tell players to not play the game just because you aren’t satisfied?

That just seems sad. It’s like hey I’m upset so you must be as well. Peace I’m out! Lol

Just go. If you want to never come back don’t. If you want to come back for 10.0 , again your call, it’s a game not a lifetime achievement moment.


Aw, thanks Leaf Lover. :leaves: :heart:

I’m not leaving for good, lol. I said I’ll be back for Dragonblight, um, Dragonflight and/or AR releases.

Silly elves, tricks are for kids. :heart: :star: :full_moon: :four_leaf_clover: :diamonds: :balloon:

Enjoy your travels! I’ve already tried another game that I enjoy more and more. I miss WoW, but … it is what it is.

Happy Trails :butterfly:

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Rock and stone brother!

EDIT: Blizz’s stupid grammer fixer won’t let me post it the way I want. :frowning:

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Good luck in your upcoming adventures, wherever they may be.

I’m a fatty